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First-person P.O.V.

Night fell like a velvet curtain, and the stars sprinkled pixie dust across the sky, casting a magical glow over our little campsite. Dororo had nestled her head in my lap, her breathing gentle and steady as she drifted into slumber. I absentmindedly played with strands of her hair, humming a soft tune under my breath.

"Dororo," I murmured but received only a sleepy grunt in response. She was already lost in dreams. Turning my gaze to Hyakkimaru, I found him still awake.

"Hyakkimaru," I addressed him, feeling a bit uneasy under his unwavering stare.

He simply continued to regard me with his enigmatic gaze, wordless as always.

"Could you hold Dororo for me, please?" I asked, feeling a slight twinge of discomfort at his unblinking stare. It was a little unnerving, but I knew I had to get used to it until I could find my way back home. He nodded before standing up from opposite the fire to kneeling to my right.

"Here," I carefully lay Dororo's head in his lap, about to let go, she squirms.

I gulp, please still be asleep. I positioned myself to be in front of Hyakkimaru as I placed my hand on Dororo's forehead, bringing my forehead to her own.

"I'll be back Dororo," I whisper, standing up and pointing in the direction of the forest.

"I'll see if I can find something for us to snack on." Hyakkimaru nodded, his lips parting as his eyes watched me trek into the forest.

"Your soul is white," Hyakkimaru's words pierced through the air like a dagger, and I froze in place. All this effort, all those oranges I consumed religiously—was it all for nothing? My heart sank, and a wave of despair threatened to engulf me.

Unable to control the avalanche of emotions rising within me, I contorted my body. Drops of liquid crystallized out of my eyes, each tear a record of the agony that engulfed me. The terrible weight of disappointment threatened to crush me as it pressed down on my shoulders.

"Oh," I turned around and walked further into the forest, waving to Hyakkimaru.

How petty of me, I scolded myself inwardly, to shed tears over the color of my soul not matching my favorite fruit. Maybe Hyakkimaru just saw it wrong! Yes, that must be it. His perception, clouded by his own experiences and limitations, might have distorted the true essence of my soul.

The moonlight was obscured by the canopy above, leaving the woodland floor with mottled shadows. The harmonious blend of nature filled my senses, with the sound of crickets chirping, leaves rustling, and the odd distant hoot of an owl.

My surroundings changed as I continued to walk—my field of vision filling with endless rows of trees, tall, small, broad, lean, and thick—becoming a kaleidoscope of greens. When was the last time I strolled through the forest at a leisurely pace and let myself become lost in its peaceful embrace?

I remember having a picnic with Tahomaru along with Mutsu and Hyogo, but that was years back! We were deep in the heart of the forest near the now broken bridge and we were so excited when Tahomaru's father allowed us to have lunch in the forest. Tahomaru's mother along with the maids made a few sandwiches and packed a bunch of fruit.

It was heavenly, and of course, most of the fruit consisted of oranges. There were oranges, orange juice, and orange cake! I chuckle, finding myself in front of an orange tree. What a coincidence. I took off the fabric around my waist, forming a makeshift bag, and placed the plucked oranges inside of it.

I gazed up at the sky, it was darker than when I had left Hyakkimaru and Dororo. 

"Time to go back."

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