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Third-person P.O.V.

"What do you mean my daughter didn't return home?"

The words echoed through the stillness of the room, a mixture of disbelief and growing panic. The mother's tremulous voice revealed her intense worry as she clung to the paper-thin hope that this was all a misunderstanding.

She waited for an explanation that she feared more than anything, standing there with her heart thumping against her chest and every second seeming to drag into eternity. Her fears were heightened as the room felt like it was closing in on her, suffocating her with its silence.

"She was last seen at the Daigo estate fleeing last night, Akagi-sama." Her mind raced, conjuring nightmare scenarios, each more terrifying than the last. Was her daughter hurt? Lost?

"Take me to the Daigo estate immediately!" A chorus of 'yes' rang throughout the Akagi estate and the head lady was sent running out to the nearest carriage as it took off in the opposite direction in a frisk pace.

The household went into a frenzy of activity as servants hurried to carry out their lady's orders without pausing. The head lady, her normally calm expression now tinged with urgency, was sent off quickly to the closest carriage, which was waiting on the gravel pathway.

Lady Akagi locked herself inside the carriage, her mind a whirlwind of concern and resolve as she gripped the edges of her seat with white-knuckled intensity. "Please be safe, Y/N." She clenched her hands and shut her eyes tightly, fingernails prickling into her skin and drawing blood.

Lady Akagi's heart pounded fearfully against her chest as the carriage approached the grand Daigo estate's gates. Despite the tremble in her limbs, she stepped out onto the cobblestone path, her resolve unwavering.

"Yes, Akagi-sama, she ran in that direction," a maid gestured, her finger trembling as it pointed towards the now wide-open gate. Her voice quivered with the weight of her words, carrying a sense of urgency that mirrored the lady Akagi's own.

"We wanted to go after her, especially after we saw," the maid paused, her gaze dropping to the floor as if unable to meet the mistress's eyes.

"What? What did you see?" The lady Akagi's voice was a mere whisper.

The maid took a deep breath, steeling herself before continuing. "Blood," she confessed, her words tumbling out in a rush as she pointed to the sand. "We saw a trail of blood, and not far we found an orange peel by a pillar. There was more blood there!"

The fair lady clad in a thick pastel kimono gasped, dropping to the ground. As she fell to the ground, her kimono's layers wafted around her like a protective cocoon, nearly sheltering her figure. Her heart pounded frantically against her chest as she let out shallow gasps.

"Are you sure it was my daughter?"

The maid knelt beside her, a mirror of concern etched upon her features before two familiar figures pushed themselves towards the mistress. "Akagi-sama," Mutsu murmured, her voice a whisper of reassurance amidst the chaos. "We will find her. I swear it."

"We will do anything we can to find her, Akagi-sama," Hyogo added

But the lady Akagi could only nod numbly, her mind filled with a torrent of fear.

"We must follow the trail," Hyogo declared, mounting onto a horse and galloping down a memorable lane along with his sister to reach the Daigo heir.

"We cannot afford to waste another moment."

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