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First-person P.O.V.

"That merchant says that the land is really rich there." A figure propped up against a tree shifted as the warmth of the sun shone through the leaves. The figure groaned as its eyes gradually opened to take in the powerful, blinding light.

"The people eat all the white rice they want! Even in these times." So loud. Blinking slowly, the figure pushed themselves to sit, muscles protesting against the effort.

"Amazing, huh? Let's go there next and stuff ourselves!" That voice sounds oddly familiar. But, where am I? I squint my eyes. Where was the voice coming from? Squinting against the brightness, I scanned my surroundings, the lush greenery and the gentle trickle of a nearby stream.

"Whole sea breams, dried abalones, Manju steamed buns." A familiar voice listed, painting a vivid picture of abundance and flavor in their mind.

"Manju?" Echoed another voice, joining the conversation. The figure leaned forward, curiosity piqued.

A groan escaped the figure as a head hit a dip in the broad flank of wood behind them, catching the attention of the two figures in the pristine water nearby.

"Nee-chan! You're awake!"

"Nee-chan?" I muttered, trying to make sense of the term before my eyes widened in recognition of the small figure running in my direction.

"Dororo!" I exclaim, gathering the energy to push myself off the ground and to the child running to me with their arms spread out.

"It's been a while, huh?" Dororo remarked.

"It has." I smile warmly before a strained cough pries my attention away from Dororo.

"Oh, right! Here are your clothes Aniki!" Dororo runs back in the opposite direction before handing over wrung-out clothes to an unfamiliar figure. My head tilts and Dororo catches on to my confusion. "This is my aniki! His name is Hyakkimaru!" they explained, grabbing Hyakkimaru's bandaged hand and dragging him closer whilst he slipped on a black fabric marked with flocks of white.

I nod my head before bowing. "Pleasure to meet you Hyakkimaru." I send him a closed-eye smile before returning my focus to Dororo.

"Where are we Dororo?" I ask, my eyes darting around the forest before widening as they shift to the article of clothing stained with blood.

"A forest near a rich village, Nee-chan!" Dororo proudly announced before spinning around with her hands high in the air. I nodded. "And how long have I been asleep?"

"Hmm, not long! I think maybe...two days? Yeah, not for a very long time if you ask me!" Dororo responded casually, their words sending a jolt of disbelief through my mind. Two days? Was I truly knocked out for that long? Was all that running enough to make me pass out? No, it couldn't have just been that. Something more, something important, had to have caused my extended vegetative state. Oh dear, mother and father must be worried sick!

"How did I end up here?" I trailed off before pointing to where I once resided, the warmth of the sun enveloping me like a hug.

"Oh, Nee-chan! Aniki had just finished defeating a demon, and we were just about to follow the directions a merchant gave us until we found you," Dororo explained, pausing to recall the events by bringing a finger to their chin.

"All of a sudden, Aniki started walking off the path that would direct us straight to a village, and we wound up finding you on the ground, I told Aniki to carry you until we stopped by this stream," Dororo said, inching closer to my figure before leaning forward to latch onto the bloody tips of my kimono. Dororo's a girl?

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