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The flames bloomed across the sky. There wasn't anything alive that could stop the catastrophe about to take place.
The world was burning in an ecliptic explosion, debris flicking through the air surrounded in purple mist clouding the chaos. Cities were flooded crumbled, and towns were covered in the waking bodies of those unfortunate enough to encounter the floating mortar comets in the air.

It seemed as if the universe was coming to an end in the purplish hell, and dead at the center was the devil himself. One city was laid to waste except for a spare building, one which was on its last legs of support before meeting its fate with the rest of the debris on the planet. A steel-cased ivory tower, once shining in glory, was a cracked image of itself, broken with its dome missing from the top, leaving a mass of seeping mist pouring through the cracks.

To the naked eye, it would've been seen as a trick of the mind, impossible for there to be a whirling shape in the abstract mess the world was in. Nonetheless, there it was in the building, sparking with electricity, and within it, a cloaked figure stood. In clad black armor of the 22nd century, aluminum fiber chest plating, worn boots, and a dark-tinted advanced reflective visor helm a figure stood atop the slowly crumbling floor of the tower. The figure's gloved hand was shaking, his breath hanging chill in the air, only supported by the droning rippling waves of the mist.

"Unghh~ "

The weak voice belonged to another figure hugging the wall in the corner of the disassembling building, covered in tousled hair unbraided, frizzing locks swept across their dark skin accompanied by the unkempt graying bread mixed with dried blood. Tattooed hands lay at their sides gripping what seemed to be a pistol...except it was separated in pieces of floating advanced machinery and illuminating a blue light. He wore a suit of armor, the same as the hooded figure, except in once shining aluminum fractured, covered in dirt and blood.

The suit seemed as if it was made of metal and glass the way it reflected the hooded figure, illuminating in blue through a network of lights running through the suit, all stopping at the core of the chest in a hollow circle gear whirling in a silent hum.

"You are but the last...Maven, why still fight it...", the hooded figure said calmly.

Code name Maven aka Xavier. Last of the human race, looked up at the figure, detest shown all across his face as he stared down a mass murderer.

"Huff~ For the same reason you claim this war is for...."

"My mission isn't the same as yours boy, you but a pebble in my path"

"And look where that got you, bleeding all over the damn place."

Syberus flinched at this, he wasn't wrong, beneath the suit stood a scar gaping across his face with flesh exposed and untreated. Syberus didn't seem affected by it, but his shaking hand spoke a different story.

"I've killed everyone you held dear, dismantled your government, destroyed your cities, wiped out every godforsaken peacemaker and you speak to me of a simple SCARRR!!!!"

His voice echoed through the winds and pierced the debris escaping through the valley of mist.

"T-t-tone it down a b-bit, I'm trying die in peace bastard..."

Syberus looked down as he stared down the dying man, emotionless through the visor as Xavier only saw a reflection.

"We haven't lost...n-no matter what...you've taken..." Xavier shifted his body upward against the wall, his armor creaked and his suit illuminated in red as he felt his leg bleeding further.

Syberus seemed unconcerned with his movements, but that didn't mean their guard was down Xavier thought.

"I just can't believe...You and her have been the one pulling the strings all along..'

G.H.O.S.T.: The Vaknar WarWhere stories live. Discover now