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G.H.O.S.T. HQ was in chaos today, blaring alarms ran through the citadel left in the middle of the bare open seas. The silver tower stretched in three triangles outward from one another with a flat top for the helipad. The tower itself stood at an astounding 1,000 ft up in the sky and deep enough to hit the ocean floor.

Filled with at least 500 bustling floors, it was a remake of hell at the moment as agents, officials, and scientists alike ran around amid recent news. Hunter was in the Control room deep in the building along with his team members of the new Elites and higher-ups as the biggest briefing was about to be given to them. Hunter was on a mission in Belarus stopping an attempted explosion by a superpowered criminal as he had received an urgent call back to HQ. After his team quickly wrapped the situation up, they flew back to meet an official waiting for them at the hangar on the 250th floor. Suited up in a G.H.O.S.T. tracksuit-like uniform covered in weapon holsters and a mic in his ear stood Thomas Payne, an ex-covert ops soldier turned overseer of G.H.O.S.T's training division was about the nicest person on the board. Hunter dapped up Payne as they entered the facility.

"Sir, what's going on?"

"This is the first time we've had a three crisis alert placed out, so that's why everyone's running everywhere"


"Yeah, you lot are gonna wanna sit down for a minute for things I have to tell you."

From the steely blank look in their eyes, Hunter could tell this was serious. Hunter and his team moved to the control room after the mini-brief with the official. Not a word was said on the elevator ride down as they were bewildered by the news.

"So...We all die shortly huh." The gruff deep voice belonged to Ryder Ackerman aka Kane. Kane, tatted to the neck over his brown skin and thick beard, was the heavy of the group, though he was powerless his fighting style and weapons mastery made him a legend in the organization.

"...my question is how?" Shayna Price aka Frost asked.

Frost was an agent who rose through the ranks through sheer prowess and her ice abilities to make unique gauntlets out of them, although she had a petite build she was another heavy hitter on the team.

"We'll find out soon enough. I just can't believe what the hell could kill even the original Elites." replied Toya Sakusi aka Ravager.

Ravager was a criminal before she encountered Grim in battle during the Age of the Void. She was only 19 when she met the legend at the time and ever since then, she strived to right her wrongs in any means possible. Equipped with the power...or rather a curse to her, Ravager could let go of her control and eviscerate anything within her surroundings as titanium strength claws and teeth would grow along with spikes along her tan skin.

"Probably the same thing that could kill Maven.", Oliver Midas interjected.

Oliver, aka Ace, was the tactical one on the team, with practice in Archery and the ability to phase his arrows through time and space, being a former assassin and apprentice of Ace. Oliver took up the mantle but turned down the role to lead the team. Each individual on the team was capable of leading, but they left it to one man, Hunter.

Hunter, an orphaned assassin and former Shadow Elite became the leader of the new Elites before Grim went on his secret mission. Everyone felt that Hunter would become the new director of G.H.O.S.T. as he was the chosen one. There were tales in the organization the day Hunter went missing from the Shadows as the HQ had been attacked by a terrorist cabal they didn't have jurisdiction to retaliate to. The Shadow Elites didn't apply to those rules but even they couldn't go without making noise in a country full of unhinged maniacs. Hunter went missing the next morning only to arrive a week later carrying the bruised-up body of their leader. 2,000 arrests were made as the country's crimes were displayed around the world resulting in multiple news sources covering it for a month and a half. No one except those in G.H.O.S.T. knew who was responsible for the event.

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