Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Kate

The brain tumor was successfully removed by the doctors, and I had to stay in the hospital for two weeks. Although I didn't enjoy being there, I was grateful that John and Rose visited me. I particularly appreciated the charm bracelet that John gave me. I will be returning to school in the fall, and I was worried about being bored. James couldn't visit me but called to apologize and explain that he was busy. I understood and was happy he called. Lisa and John also called me. I was surprised by John's visits and calls, as I had thought he didn't like me.

After the surgery, I had headaches and stomach pain. Reading was difficult as it caused eye strain. Once the pain subsided, I was able to read more comfortably.

My mom picked up my schoolwork, so I didn't fall behind. Now that I've finished all my schoolwork, I don't have anything to do. James sent me a letter saying he's doing well and misses me. He explained that he couldn't write often because school keeps him busy. I wrote back to James, telling him that I understood and that I really miss him and would like to see him soon.

In the fall, I returned to school and started the ninth grade. Although I was excited to be in high school, I was dreading the winter season because it often gave me headaches due to the cold weather. Nonetheless, I was happy to find that my classmates were nicer to me, and my popularity remained the same as I continued to date my boyfriend. I also rejoined the art club, which I was excited about since we were planning to take more field trips. To keep myself busy and increase my chances of getting into a good college, I joined several clubs. I was so busy that I had to write to James and let him know that I would not be able to write to him as often.

I informed James that I would be writing to him on the upcoming weekend. James replied and confirmed that he understood. The art club is planning another trip to Florida during the summer and I have already saved enough money to join them.

Christmas had arrived, and I had received many gifts. John gave me a lovely ruby ring, and James gifted me a beautiful jewelry box. In return, I gave John the book "Hamlet" and James a book as well. I also got a beautiful silver locket for Sara, which she loved a lot. Sara, in turn, gave me two books - "A Little Princess" and "Alice in Wonderland." My parents hosted a Christmas party for the entire neighborhood, making it a great Christmas celebration overall.

It was the last day of the year and I was looking forward to the New Year. I hoped that more exciting things would happen in the coming year. Sara and I had plans to go to the movies and then head to a New Year's party hosted by Sara's cousin, Alex Dashwood. Alex was throwing the party to make some new friends. I had actually met Alex before when I was studying in England, but he never talked to me or even said hello. I had no idea that he was related to Sara. It turns out that Sara's Aunt Sally had married a man named Harry Smith.

Harry was born and raised in Mississippi. Sally Black meets Harry during a visit to her sister in Mississippi, and later moves there with Alex. Alex was unhappy about living in Mississippi and blamed his mother, Sally, for the move. I empathized with Alex as I also struggled to make friends. Sara and I attended Alex's party, where I approached him and reintroduced myself as Kate Brooks. Alex remembered me as James' friend and I offered to hang out as friends in the future. Alex agreed and I left the party around 12:30 AM, even though I could have stayed until 1:00 AM.

The next day, Sara came to visit me at my house and said, "I think Alex likes you!" with a happy expression on her face.

I proudly replied, "I am already in a relationship."

But Sara teased me and said, "A long-distance relationship usually doesn't work out."

Later that day, I received a beautiful bouquet of roses from Alex. I didn't know what to do because I didn't want to hurt Alex's feelings, nor did I want to ruin my friendship with Sara. Alex also invited me to go to the movies with him, and Sara was excited for me. I told Alex about James, and he was understanding.

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