Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: John

I was preparing for a job interview when I received a call from Rose. She sounded angry and asked me where I had been as she had been trying to call me. Apologizing, I asked her what was going on. Rose told me that Kate had visited and James had been rude and mean towards her. She also added that Kate knew that James was not the one writing the letters. Upon hearing this, I felt angry and asked for Kate's whereabouts. Rose informed me that she had gone back to Mississippi and that she regretted not keeping a closer eye on her. I assured her that it was not her fault and that I was responsible for what had happened.

After I finished talking to Rose, I was left alone with my thoughts. I regretted not telling Kate the truth, but I was too afraid to do so. I called Sara, but she was rude to me, and I couldn't blame her. She was just looking out for Kate's well-being. I decided to talk to James about it. However, when I went to see him, Lisa informed me that James was visiting Jill. So, I went to Jill's house to confront James.

When James opened the door, he asked me angrily, "What do you want?!" Without hesitation, I punched him in the face and said, "My problem is with how you treated Kate. Rose told me that you were rude and mean to her, and insulted her badly.

I'm also upset with you, Jill, for laughing at Kate when James was being disrespectful to her. You should have defended her!"

"I couldn't stand Kate," James said. "You're the one who always encourages me to tell the truth!"

"You didn't have to be rude to her," I replied angrily. "You could have found a nicer way to tell her the truth and I certainly didn't encourage you to be rude to Kate."

Just then, Ted, Jill's father, walked into the living room. "Jill, I'm extremely disappointed in you," he said sternly. "Your mom and I didn't raise you to treat people poorly."

"Dad, Kate is weird and foolish!" Jill retorted angrily.

"The only weird and foolish people I see around here are you and James," Ned replied. "A normal person wouldn't be mean and hurtful towards someone else! I happen to know Kate's uncle, Randy Brooks, and he's a good man. His kids are great too."

"James, I want you to leave now! You are not welcome in my house anymore!" Ted yelled at James.

James left immediately, leaving Jill, who was also in the room, feeling angry. She stormed off in frustration.

Ted then turned to me and said, "I'm sorry about Jill's behavior. Can you please tell Kate that I'm sorry for how Jill has treated her?"

I assured Ted that I would pass on the message, but I also reminded him that he was not to blame for his daughter's actions.

I contacted Kate's aunt and uncle, who informed me that Kate had purchased a cabin, but they were unsure of its location. Kate's aunt assured me that she would pass on the message to Kate. I then visited Sara, who initially refused to speak with me. I acknowledged Sara's anger towards me, expressing my concern for Kate and my disappointment in James' treatment of her. Sara inquired about the letters sent to Kate, to which I admitted that I was the one behind them. I explained that my intention was to protect Kate from heartbreak, as I knew she cared deeply for James, who did not reciprocate her feelings. Despite my love for Kate, I confessed that fear had prevented me from being honest with her.

"John, I understand that you were scared and did not intend to hurt Kate. However, by not telling her the truth, you ended up hurting her even more," Sara replied with anger.

"I agree, I should have been honest with her from the beginning, and that's why I want to tell her that I was the one writing the letters, apologize to her, and express my love for her," I said as I showed Sara the engagement ring. "Unfortunately, I don't know where Kate is. She wanted to be alone and did not tell me where she was going," Sara responded.

"Kate's aunt and uncle told me that she bought a cabin in the woods. Do you know who she bought it from?" I asked.

Sara mentioned that Kate had informed her about the cabin, but had not disclosed its location or the seller's identity. Sara proposed visiting Kate's apartment to gather more information. Together, Sara and I visited Kate's apartment and discovered a newspaper with a circled advertisement for a cabin for sale. We contacted the seller, who revealed that the cabin was situated in Mt Magazine, Arkansas. I then arranged to rent a car for the trip to Mt Magazine, with Sara accompanying me on the journey.

I wanted to marry Kate despite knowing she would be angry with me, hoping she would eventually forgive me.

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