Chapter 11 well that was unexpected

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Hugo POV

Sof I'm telling you he's using you. I said walking her to class. Do you even like him ? I questioned. "Dunno" she replied. Sofia wasn't the type of girl to date a guy she didn't like just for the sake of it. So I have to admit her answer did surprise me.

Sofia POV

The truth is.. I started not really sure whether telling Hugo was such a good idea. " the truth is I don't like him and I didn't want to reject someone I thought was a nice guy but I don't want to be with him Hugo. There's someone else." I said hoping he wouldn't ask who the 'someone else' was

Hugo POV

I was itching to ask who 'someone else' meant but decided against it. The funny thing is I knew it couldn't have been me. She's talented, witty, funny, clever. She's everything. But something inside me just gives me a little bit of hope that maybe some day she will think of me the way I think of her. "Sof if you have to ask yourself about whether you like him or not then he isn't the one and besides if there's someone else then.....then you should go with them. My heart sank as I said the last sentence. To be honest I wasn't sure if I was giving her advice based on what I thought was right or what I hoped was. Right because to be honest I'd rather see Sophia with anyone other then Henry

"You're right Hugo she said. I can't keep on lying to myself.we need to break up. Will you come with me."
As horrible as it sounds I loved the idea of Sophia breaking up with Henry. Although I wasn't to sure weather it was for selfish reasons or selfless reasons.

"Yeah sure" I said trying not to smile like a complete dork

Me and Sophia walked down the side of the school. As I turned the corner, I saw something. Something Sophia could not see.

Sophia PoV :

I was walking behind Hugo ready to break up with Henry when he turned arround and stopped me
" hey sof do you maybe wanna check somewhere else" he asked "what ?" I asked. He was being so odd. "It's just that-" he started before I pushed past him and saw Henry. With another girl.she was pretty. Like really pretty. Her cerulean eyes sparkled in the sun and her hair seemed to gently sway in time with the leaves behind her. I honestly didn't feel sad. I honestly didn't even like him but I was angery that I had dated some cheater. I didn't really know what to say so I just turned arround and walked away leaving Hugo and Henry in the secret hidden garden behind the school

Hugo POV

I was mad. But Sophia mattered more to me than some cheater. I'd deal with him later. I gave him a glare and went to find Sophia

We found love : A Hugfia fanfic (Sofia the first)- Sofia X Hugo 💗Where stories live. Discover now