Chapter 12 well this is awkward

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At the end of the school day

3rd person POV

James and Sophia were walking out of school. Sofia felt numb. She felt as though if she let herself feel any sort of emotion she would instantly break down and have no control. She was finally gaining composure when she noticed someone out of the corner or her eye. It was Henry approaching her and James.

Hello James would you mind if I were to borrow your sister for a little chat ? He asked

Sophia PoV
God the way he asked if he could 'borrow' me make me feel sick. I'm not some kind of object. Yuck 🤮

We walked behind to school to the secret garden area so no one could hear us

.As much as I didn't like him, it hurts to know someone I put my trust in went behind my back the way Henry did. Henry came up to me. I was so done.

Hey Sophia I know what you saw and If anyone finds out I've cheated then my reputation will be ruined.No girl at this school will ever date me. NOONE can find out do you understand
He says

I didn't know what to say. I would have thought that maybe he'd at least apologise. Anger bubble inside my veins. Who did this boy this he was.I wanted to shout and scream but all the I could get out what a cracked "wh-at?" 

" Look we can't break up. It'll totally ruin my reputation so u and I have to stay together. I'll literally do anything."

"NOTHING can make my stay Henry" I started before he cut me off

" Look Sophia, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. I have friends and family in very high places-"

He didn't get to Finnish

" WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE" I screamed " IM NOT SCARED OF YOU" " YOU KNOW I-" I stopped when I felt a sudden wave of pain across my left cheek. It burned.  I don't think I've ever been hit with that much force before. It was scary to think he was that strong

" and there's a lot more where that came from" he said. " TRUST me Sophia. You break up with me and I'll make you regret it."

He walked away.
I walked back to James and we got in the carriage
" hey sof you've been real quiet since we got in. Is everything good?" He asked. I just looked at him and he gave me a hug.

A couple hours later at derby practice

Hugo pov :

I've been looking for her all day. She hasn't shown up to any periods after third ( the period before the incident ).

" Hey Hugo, u seen Sophia anywhere. I havent seen her since school ended."
I think my silence spoke volumes and James seemed to get the idea

He sat down next to me on the little bench in the stables and asked. " is there something going on that I don't know about Hugo? With my sister, with you ?" My head started to hurt. Everything that happened flooded back into my memory and pushing it back down was working less and less as the time went on. "Yeah something like that" was all I could get out. Sophia could have been with me. I would have taken care of her the way she deserves. I don't mind her not being happy with me as long as she's happy with someone else. But the guy she left me for was a jerk.

You know when you love someone so much that when they feel pain, you feel it aswell. That's what I was feeling. And you know when you feel so sad that is physically hurts you. That's also what I saw feeling.

A part of me hoped she wouldn't come to derby. Watching her get hurt and hurt over and over again is painful. But I miss her and I need to see her. See if she's okay. I picked up my phone to see it ping .

On Hugo's phone :

CSS Awesome derby Riders😎🤩

James🤠 added Henry

Me: bro why would u add that idiot

James🤠: Ik Ik I'll remove him in a sec. Stupid guys been blowing up my phone asking to speak to u guys.

Henry: hey everyone I just wanted to let you guys know that I won't be coming to derby today

Sof💗🧸: Why? Too busy with some other girl


James🤠: oh shit

Henry: Sophia we talked about this

Sof💗🧸: relax their my brother and my best friend they were both gonna find out wether I told them or not

Henry is typing

You removed Henry

Me: there. I think I just did is all a favour 👋😌
2💗from Sof💗🧸and James🤠

Hey guys if your still reading my story's then tysm
805 wordssss 🫣🫣
Will update again soon

We found love : A Hugfia fanfic (Sofia the first)- Sofia X Hugo 💗Where stories live. Discover now