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Vincent lost track of the days that had passed since he last had food or sleep. He may have drifted off for a few minutes every now and then, but that was the most sleep he got. He'd stayed awake, trying to figure everything out. He'd told Dorian they would travel; going along with this plan he made. They would recount the assassin's steps. How was he a concern at the moment? The victims tended to be Fae, and who in their right mind is going to be open to Vincent? Even Dorian is looked at as some kind of traitor. His mother is scorned for her betrayal to her High Court. He is the product of a human and a true Fae. He is not something born of love, nor is he Fae.

No matter what they are, no living creature can stand to be near him. They say he reeks of the dark. He's aware that the bastard who aided in his creation used unethical means after viewing his first child as a failure.

One can only imagine the distance that is put between the entire Royal Family.

Slamming his fist against the table at the thought, Vincent shudders. These thoughts always scrape at his mind. He despises that he thinks about it, that it bothers him so much.

Somebody stepping into his tent unannounced startled him. Though on the outside, all he does is lift his head to meet the intruder, though unseen by the intruder, his teeth clench and his heart stutters.

"Vince, by the Gods, when was the last time you slept?" Dorian pauses for a moment, "when is the last time you ate? Have you at least been outside?"

Vincenet stayed silent, avoiding his friend's worried look. "I was working."

"And that's a reason to neglect yourself? It's acting up again. We can postpone this if you'd-" Dorian starts to accommodate his friend, but he's cut off with a harsh declaration.

"No." Vincent snarls bearing his canines, those brilliant pools of blue mudding in a cloud of red. "I... I can handle myself." His voice shakes as he presses the heels of his hands to his eyes. "I'm fine. We can't delay this any longer. We, no, I need results. I should have had this assassin caught before any other tragedies. Not to mention we should have been back to the capital a week ago."

Dorian sighs, there's no point in doing anything. The prince is stubborn and hates pity more than he hates his father. All Dorian can do is nod and understand. This assignment was supposed to be done on a schedule. The King said not to return until it was completed, however, he also said to have it done in a specific timeframe. A rather impossible timeframe at that. "I will pack your things up, please nap Vince."

"I can't." Vincent takes a seat in a chair, dropping his head over the back of it.

Dorian sighs, shaking his head. "The wards, spells, everything is up and working. You won't have any rancid dreams, you don't need to worry about assassins either."

"You make horrible comfort, ya know that?" Vincent huffs as he shuts his eyes, focused on his breathing. "Is the little Fae coming along?"

Dorian snickers as he grabs clothes and starts shoving things in bags. "I am very aware of your highness opinion of her. She's been packed for the entire day. I came to check on a certain prince that I haven't seen since we talked." A week, it's been seven days. He should have kept a closer eye on Vincent. It would not do the prince a favor if he were to have one of his episodes. Instead, he's been watching their guest. He keeps a close eye on her. He's worried the slightest push may cause her to stumble or break.

It seems unfair that Vincent pays the price for a decision he didn't get to make. He is likely the only one outside the Royals that has knowledge about Vincent's condition. His status as neither Trule fae or Fae is a concern that goes ignored as him simply being a miracle. Dorian knows that's not true. Whatever Magic the King used on his wife to ensure his son was True Fae had its cost, like all Magic that doesn't belong to a human. Though, even Fae have consequences to their abilities. They can grow tired, bleed, seize, or die if they overuse their magic. Those with more human-blood than fae blood tend to suffer more than those who are mainly fae. He has no side effects aside from a mere headache. Vincent's side effects range from seizures to seeing things that aren't there, short Coma's, loss of temper, muddled thoughts, and heightened emotions in general.

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