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Waking up that morning was... different. Selene felt well rested and relaxed for a change. Compared to their night on the road, this was bliss. Sitting up, she stretched and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Turning her head, she took note of Vincent writing at the desk.

"You must have been pretty sleep deprived there, Selene." Vincent droned, but he doesn't turn around from whatever he's scribbling.

Selene tilts her head as she removes the covers and softly glides towards the window. She pulls back the curtains. "What time is it?" She turns to Vincent.

Vincent sighs, his gaze moving from whatever he's working on to his wrist. "One past noon." He says, before going right back to whatever he's working on.

Selene never sleeps that late. Not even when she was home. With a small sigh, she heads to get dressed. She grabs another of the dresses the two males had provided for her, slipping it on easily. As she twirls in front of the mirror, the dress's purple fabric flows like a river, moving with her spins gracefully. It's a simple design, but the ribbon around the center gives her the appearance that she's of a much higher class. She could never have afforded to own something like this.

Staring at herself in the mirror, she smiles, picking up a brush and running it through her hair. She gets one last look at herself in all her natural glory, her fae characteristics prominent, before she tries to change her appearance and hide every unnatural feature. She takes a look at her work, thinking she looks rather pretty in the dress. Still, her hands come up and start to braid her hair to hide the pointed ears that stood out starkly. She takes careful care to make sure things are in place so that she looks human.

When Selene steps out into the room, she sees Vincent still scribbling away. She takes a seat on the bed, kicking her feet a little. "So, are we gonna head to the next site or stay here another day?" Selene spoke slowly, letting the ends of the words draw out a little. "Where's the captain?" She hums, tilting her head a little.

Vincent sets his pen down and turns to face her. He sets his head on her hand with a sigh. "He went out to wrap a few things up. We both doubt there's anything that's left for us here."

Selene's eyes shine, seeming to be asking what he's doing.

He sighs again, glancing at what he's been writing. "It helps to write my thoughts down. I just needed to get through some things. As far as I know, where we're headed next isn't going to bring us much. However, I've been looking through things. If I go back to the first death, the barkeep at the inn, I can sorta connect him to the Fae medic. This middle point has me lost. I know there's a connection. I just can't figure out how it will help to head there."

Selene nods, trying to understand his rambling, but this sort of thing is not her strong suit.

"I've been thinking we were missing something." Vincent pauses with a small huff. "The man here was a private detective. He was likely looking into something. We haven't figured out what exactly. Dorian so far has found that at least."

Vincent looked up at Selene to make sure she was paying attention before he continued speaking. She nodded, encouraging him to continue.

"Besides that, we think they stayed with the family on trips. The inn here is expensive for people with your money. It would have been better to house with somebody they knew. Then, when the wife was concerned that her life and the child's life may be at risk, she arranged his death. I'm thinking he learned something and she found out. I'm also assuming based on the calendar recovered in a locked drawer, he was killed before your parents could have another meeting."

Vincent paused again, letting the information process before he began rambling again. Selene's jow dropped shocked, but not overwhelmed. She waved her hand for him to continue, invested in his findings.

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