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The carriage's arrival stirred the small isolated town. It was already nearing evening due to the delay Selene had caused with her breakdown.

As always, Dorian steps from the carriage first to stand guard as Vincent exits. Both hold hands out for Selene, who doesn't take either.

Selene looks around the small village and reaches to her hair, making sure the ears are well hidden.

"The royal guard? Could that be the prince?" Whispered a human woman.

"Should we greet them?" Asked an adolescent boy.

"Somebody should help them!" A little human boy yelled.

"What do we do?" A young girl asked.

The group listened to the murmurs.

"They seem to be accompanied by a human girl." An elderly man murmured.

"Even if they are fae we could all be killed if we don't show respect." An elderly woman hissed.

"Do you think the girl behind him is being relocated?" A mother asked her husband.

Selene tilts her head as she stares into the gathering crowd. Parents shield their children, and everybody seems to be keeping their distance.

"Of course it's one of those places." Vincent scoffs as he crosses his arms.

"Vince, don't cause a scene. They have twisted beliefs, but they are still your subjects." Dorian whispers to his friend, who waves him off.

With a sigh, Vincent sends their carriage to find somewhere to locate itself that is discreet and doesn't trouble these people.

Time to be diplomatic. Vincent clears his throat and bows. "My apologies for not sending a note ahead of time that your prince would be in town. We are only investigating a past murder that occurred here. Please do not pay us mind. We promise to be out of your hair within two sleeps." That is to say they plan on sleeping here tonight and tomorrow, then leaving, unless something holds them leaving early.

"Is there anywhere for us to stay?" A couple steps from the crowd with smiles. Though, any fool could tell it's strained.

"Of course. Such honored guests can come this way." They follow the woman towards a cottage. "I apologize that I can not provide you with more comfort, your highness. If you need anything in the morning, please seek us out.'' The couple leaves, not bothering to make more conversation.

Selene steps inside the place and sighs. She's tired, but afraid to fall asleep. She finds a window and hops onto the windowsill. She crosses her arms, staring out at the sky. They're so far inland she hates it. She hates how she can't see the moon's reflection on the ocean. She misses the breeze cooled by the water. She misses the sounds of the water as it splashed against rocks and piers and shifted with the changing winds.

A voice interrupts Selene's moment of silence. "You should still try to fall asleep." Dorian takes a seat at the desk as he stares at Selene. Her posture is regal, even sitting on the windowsill she reminds him of depictions of goddesses. She's beautiful, elegant, and yet he could never speak of these thoughts.

Vincent sets up his usual illusionary magic. There's something more mature about her. He can't place what it is, but he's noticed it throughout today. Her silence seems more for herself than out of fear or her lack of connection to their language.

"Perhaps a walk would help?" Vincent leans against the wall, staring at Selene. He crosses his arms, trying to get a grip on what exactly is different.

"You go ahead with that, I'm good right here." Selene doesn't look to address who she's talking to as she stares out the window. Her eyes focus on the scenery and the small changes in the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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