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His arm, as usual, was firmly stuck in place.

Either around her boney shoulders or tightly gripped on her waist

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Either around her boney shoulders or tightly gripped on her waist. Today it was on her waist as they walked down their school hallway. It was busy and rowdy yet he made sure that nobody would even come close to touching his precious girl.


i hate this chapter. but since i am just posting my old stuff, this will have to do.

idk why I used to write like that and I'm sorry if this chapter makes you drop it :(

if anything just ignore it or skip bc it's just here for me to reread and cringe 🙈

from now on any chapter I think worth skipping will have a
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She followed in his direction through the crowed halls and took a sigh of relief once they had finally reached the cafeteria where they're 'friends' would be. Elaine and Maon shared the same group of four boys as friends.

Mason had been friends with two of the boys since elementary school which was almost as long as he'd been dating Elaine for.

The boys were all very protective of her although that didn't stop many people from trying to approach her, maybe she just had a welcoming face but she doubted it. She looked like a skeleton with a diamond shaped face and hollowed cheeks and sunken electric blue eyes, her long nearly black hair framed her face and it made her eyes pop even more in addition to her dark mascara and eyeliner. She had a small button nose and round plump lips, she had a small figure and stood at a height of 5'5, she looked even tinier in comparison too Mason.

Mason was a lanky guy, standing at 6'1. He had a mop of golden brown hair that fell down just above his hazel eyes.

They walked in and at the center table sat the 'popular' group of guys, who immediately started shouting them to come over when they noticed Mason and her. There also a few people scattered all around the room. Elaine eyed them warily, she tugged on his shirt sleeve. "What?" He answered gently.

"Can we just go to the library." She mumbled slowly into his ear, she had to stand on her tiptoes to be able to reach him.

"No Lainey, you barely talk anyways, you need to talk to other people besides me." Mason sighed annoyed. They had this conversation everyday.

"I talk to loads of people, I just don't have enough energy to listen to you guys shout at 8am." She whined.

They had been standing at the front of the caf for a while now whispering to each other. People were starting to stare and Lainey awkwardly shuffled at the attention.

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