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I've been happier recently.

I think I owe it all to him

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I think I owe it all to him.

I stare into his hazel eyes as we sit cross-legged on the industrial brick walls of my childhood park. It's like I'm staring into a forest.

A whirlwind of fallen autumn leaves contrasting with the blossoming green leaves; this signals the start of spring. The start of us, I hope.

I love how his eyes always return me back to that same memory of us.

It's raining.

My cheeks are flushed as he chases me eachother. My beaten up converse are stomping through every woody trail trying to lose him. But he'll always find me.

If it isn't from my childish giggles ripping through the air, then it's my hair which turns every corner seemingly hours after me.

Every second with him and I feel like a giddy child.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Your pretty. Maybe that's why I like you, even if your too stuck up and too cocky for your own good" My eyes rolled as I tried to hide my peeking grin

He pauses for a moment before retorting. I love the way his mind works. A playful smirk lays ghost on his lips. "I already know that I'm pretty, To be honest I would even say that I'm pretty fucking hot?"

"Wooooaaah don't get ahead of yourself! I said pretty... See there's that cockiness again, I thought we went over this?"

He smiles and rolls head back as a series of chuckled escape his lips, "We haven't went over how pretty I think that you are,"

I love his laugh. Hearing it feels like remedy for the dead or just my personal medicine to encite flutters in my heart.

"Are you sure because I think you've mentioned it, maybe once...? Or twice...? Or maybe a couple thousand ti-"

"Shhh just let me call you pretty."



"Oh there's an and?" my cheeks flush whilst I laugh.

"And..." He throws me a pointed look, "If you'd let me, I'd like to take you out on a date...."

My raise eyebrows up at him still smiling coyly, "...maybe if I feel like it"

There's a short pause whilst he gives me the puppy dog eyes, "...pretty please Dani?"

I slap him whilst giggling, "Don't look at me like that."

"Why not?"

"It's weird" I laugh again, nervously this time, looking away.

"Why? Does it make you uncomfortable." He keeps looking at me.

"Yeah! Stop!"

"Answer my question and then maybe I'll stop..?" I turn to look at him and realise just how close he is, "Can I pretty please take you on a pretty date?"

I gently push him away but he only get closer, "stop saying pretty so much."

I feel his breath fan on my face. I love it.

"I can't get the word out of my head when it's standing right in front of me."

I bite my lip in an attempt to stop my wide smile and he's still grinning as we unknowingly inch in closer.

I love him.

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