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I rubbed my red eyes as they adjusted to the harsh bright sunlight that was peeking through from my curtains.

I slowly sat up and ran a hand through my long, dirty blonde locks

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I slowly sat up and ran a hand through my long, dirty blonde locks. My thick, long eyelashes fluttered and my ice blue eyes were contrasting with the black mascara smudged across my face from last night's adventures.

I let out a small yawn and rolled out of bed . My room was an absolute mess and it was struggle to find a clear path to get to my en-suite bathroom.

"Skye!" I heard my step mom yell from downstairs, "School starts in 10 minutes!"

I groaned and looked at myself in my large mirror on the wall. Sigh. Messy blonde hair and the same dull bright blue eyes.

I hurriedly jumped in the shower and took the quickset shower of my life. When I was done I got dressed into an oversized light blue sweatshirt, plain black Lululemon leggings, white airforces and a simple gold necklace and a matching bracelet and anklet.

I grabbed my Apple Watch and iPhone 11 and skipped down the stairs, through the hallway and to the kitchen where Janet was sitting eating cereal with my little brother.

I also had an older brother who had probably gone to the gym before school started with my dad. "What time is it actually?" I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"6:50!" Lucas smiled smugly. He was a mirror image of me but with slightly darker hair that fell over his face messily.

I thwacked his head as I walked past the kitchen island to grab a wooden bowl, "Shut up you little gremlin."

"Skye!" My step mom scolded, who did she think she was?

Luke stuck her tongue out and I scrunched my eyebrows at him whilst pouring some milk in my bowl, "Where is Josh and daddy?"

"Dad went to work early and Josh said he's going to the gym and then straight to school." Luke replied back whilst slurping down his food. I recoiled at that disgusting display, teenage boys sigh.

Once I finished making my bowl of oats I jogged upstairs back to my room whilst hearing my Janet shout, "We're leaving in 20 minutes."

I opened my door and straight flopped on my bed. I opened my phone and texted my friends.

Twenty minutes quickly passed as I hopped into the passenger seat. We lived in a gated community where each house was roughly the size of two football fields.

"Bye..." I muttered as I shut the passenger door to Janet's white range. I quickly speedwalked away from the car and straight through the halls and to the bleachers outside which was the designated hang out spot for my friend group.

From the corner of my eye I noticed people giving me stares and looks as I walked past. I didn't even know why, wherever my friend group and I went we got stares. We were only in our sophomore year yet it seemed like people knew us everywhere we went.

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