the it kids.

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Amoira always thought that once faced with an important decision she would be smart about it, maybe even give it a bit of consideration before choosing between life or death. But now here she was free falling 10 metres into the dark plunges of the sea.

 But now here she was free falling 10 metres into the dark plunges of the sea

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"Oh shit! Is she okay?"

She spent a few moments in the tranquility of the water and then resurfaced pushing the water away from her hair and eyes, she frantically took in deep breaths.

"Fucking hell Morri!" Aidan shouted at her with a grin on his face and she smiled back at him.

Daniel, Aidan and Louie stared at her from the cliff edge and she held up the rock star sign and stuck out her tongue before disappearing back under the water with a gasp.

Amoira heard multiple splashes around her and felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist, she shrieked as Louie picked her up and swung her around his shoulders, body slamming her into the cool water.


She emerged from the sea again and turned to see Becca and Christa still standing in their quality bikinis on top of the cliff. Rebecca wore her usual bored expression and her silky ginger hair came down in waves around her slim stomach. Her green eyes shone a look of horror as she stared down at them. She wore a matching dark emerald green bikini set that matched her expensive earrings.

Christa grimaced at the depth and she nervously played with her fawn coloured hair. "I dunno about this Danny..."

"Fuck you still doing up there? Come down Christa!" Daniel yelled up whilst laughing, Aidan had disappeared back up to the hill and Becca and Christa stood there unknowing of their soon to be fate.

"No way, as if I'm jumping!" Christa laughed and whispered to Becca.

"Moira did it!" Louie groaned as he ran his hands up and down my waist, Amoira smiled sheepishly.

Becca scoffed, "Moira will do anything for male attention." Christa snorted and pushed Becca playfully. The boys O'ed and Moira raised an eyebrow.

"What does that mean Rebecca?" Amoira warned her slowly but she didn't get a reply as a hand was stuck out and Becca began to fall straight into the sea. She clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you Aidan!" Becca resurfaced angrily, pushing her hair out of her face and splashing the water at Daniel who was trying to dunk her under water.

Amoira heard screams from the top of the cliff and looked up to see Christa flailing down, "Christa bad form! Thats gonna hur-" she tried to correct her but was stopped short by the loud splosh next to her.

They all hurriedly swam over to Christa and she emerged out of the sea with a big gulp. "Are you alright?" Daniel asked concerned.

Aidan peered at them from the top of the hill and Christa touched her forehead achily. "Ouch that really hurt," They all let out a sigh of relief as she didn't seem to be in any immediate danger and Aidan took this time to dive in, splashing all of them in the process.

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