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That following morning, Andrea left early to try and catch Frank again. She sat on the front steps of Sheila's waiting for him to come out. Her knee bounced as she stared down at her tattered converse shoes, looking at the faded sharpie marks when she heard the door open behind her.

Frank stumbled out startled by the red head. "I don't have any money." He grumbled.

"You gotta lie low, Frank" Andrea told him, following behind as he passed her. Frank ignored her, not really knowing what she was going on about. Andrea sighed loudly following him out the gate as he rambled on about Grammy.

"Mickey thinks you're gonna tell everybody about what you saw."

Frank laughed.

Frank laughed?

Andrea's brows furrowed, as she opened her mouth to speak when Frank spoke up. "You two are like Romeo and Juliet; two families with a long old rivalry but are bound to be. Who the hell cares?" He said waving her off. Andrea stopped for a moment; a bit shocked at what he had to say about it. Shaking her head she caught up with Frank raising her voice.

"Mickey wants to kill you, Frank! And I don't want him to go to juvie, this is bad."

Her voice softened at the latter. Frank stopped turning around to her. "What's happening to my mother is bad. Dying is bad." Andrea stood letting out a sigh not knowing what to say.

"Try to avoid it, Andi."

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Back at the Kash N Grab, Andrea sat in the back of the store with the garage gate open smoking a cigarette when Mickey ducked underneath the gate. "Where is he?" He asked now facing the red head.

"No idea." She mumbled, not looking up at him.

"He's had 24 hours to run his mouth, alright, where is he?" He asked again. "He won't," The girl sighed putting out the cigarette before standing. "If my dad finds out about this, he will kill me himself." Mickey raised his voice, tilting his head to the side trying to get her to look at him.

"Yeah, me too." Andrea said walking away from him.

"I have been to 16 bars, the homeless shelter, Shanty town, under the L, your house, batty Sheila's, where is he?"

"I don't know!" Andrea snapped finally turning to face him. "Bullshit!" Mickey shouted. Andrea jumped at his outburst backing away a bit. Mickey looked her in the eye, watching as her own bounced from looking at him and around the store.

"You warned him, didn't you?"

Mickey exhaled sharply before going around her to the register. "I hate him more than you do!" Andrea said leaning her hands on the counter. Mickey opened up the register taking out handfuls of cash and shoving it into his pockets. "I ain't stealing this, this is less that what I'm owed for my hours this week," He said shutting the register.

"I'm done. Done. Done!"

"Franks walked in on Fiona with her boyfriends, Lip with his girls and he doesn't run his mouth, so why is this so different?"

Mickey rounded the counter facing Andrea. "What fucking world do you live in?" He spoke lowly. "Mick, you can't just- you can't- I-" Andrea stammered stepping closer to him.

"What did I just say to you? Done is done!" Mickey interrupted backing away from her.

"What, do you think we're boyfriend and girlfriend? You're nothing but a warm mouth to me."

Andreas heart dropped; her chest grew heavy as tears pricked at her eyes. Mickey let out a shaky breath watching her eyes dart around the store. The room was silent for what felt like forever until Mickey spoke up.

"Sorry I gotta go kill your dad, but I'm doing a lot of people a favor, including you."

And there on the brink of tears, Andrea let out a shaky breath as the door closed in her face. A small chuckled left her lips as a tear rolled down her cheek. What the hell was I thinking anyway, falling for Mickey fucking Milkovich?

But damn did I fall hard.

Andrea quickly wiped her face free of tears blinking away any others that dared to fall. She laughed as she gathered her things.

All because I liked a boy.

── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Mickey sat in his car outside of the Alibi with his brothers waiting for Frank to come out. Propping his elbow on the door, he began biting the inside of his cheek. He couldn't get the red headed girl out of his head. The entire drive there, he debated whether or not to actually go through with it. He'd already hurt Andrea enough by saying something he didn't really mean. He wished he could take it all back but there's no use now. It was too late.

Despite always telling himself that she was just a fuck buddy, he'd actually grown to like the girl. It started to really get to him too, her smile, her laugh, her touch... She was making him soft.


"There he is." Iggy said tearing Mickey away from his thoughts.

"Run up a couple blocks, I'm gonna come from behind," Mickey explained as he grabbed his gun and mask. "We'll catch him in the alley and get it done." He ordered. The brothers nod pulling their masks over their faces and getting out of the car along with Mickey following his orders.

Mickey followed a safe distance behind Frank down the sidewalk. Sirens wailed growing closer making Mickey a little anxious. Again, the red head was stuck in his head.

The look on her face as he cowered out of the store. Mickey's eyes grew glossy as stopped in his steps. Pulling the mask off of his head leaning over a trash can as police cars pulled up.

He looked over at the officers then to Frank. Mickey shook his head rubbing his eyes with his pointer and thumb, pinching the bridge of his nose. Dropping the mask and gun into the bin, He walked over to the officers calling out to them.

"Hey! Officer!"

The officer turned around facing Mickey and the stepped closer. "Oink, oink." Mickey grinned before he swung his fist, decking him across the face.

"Get on the ground! Hands behind your back!" The second officer ordered knocking him to the ground, knee pressed to his back as he handcuffed him. Mickey chuckled,

"Does this violate my probation?"

edited: 02/29/24

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