Chapter 3: Holly, Jolly

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(Cursing, Homophobic Slurs, mentions of blood)

(Definition-  Crass - Esther uses this definition to Troy, 'You crass ass!' which means - grossly stupid, dull, or obtuse, having or showing no understanding of what is proper or acceptable, rude and insensitive)

-Byers Family-

"Will? Will?" 

A croaking voice whispered out.

"Sweetheart, can you hear me? Will. Please.." 

The voice continued to speak. Then the door suddenly went flying open. And so did Esther's eyes. Slowly sitting up, she could only see Her mom sitting at the end of her twin's bed, while Jonathan stood in the doorway. "Mom?" Jonathan spoke.

"Jonathan! Come here. C-come here." Joyce stammered, urging her oldest son over. "Mom, what is this?" Jonathan asked in disbelief as he slowly walked over. The two still unaware of Esther's awakening. 

"What's going on?" Jonathan asked still tired. "It's Will. It's Will, he's.. he's trying to talk to me." Joyce's voice trembled and shook as she whispered her explaination to the lamps. "He's trying to talk to you?" Jonathan asked in a serious tone. "Yes, through.. through the lights."

"Mom." Jonathan shook his head, he spoke up louder. "I Know. I know. Just. Just watch." Joyce paused. "Will... your brother's here. Can you show him what you showed me, baby?" Joyce whispered weakly. "Please.." A light flickered. Joyce gasped. "Did you see that?" Joyce pointed to the light bulb.

"It's the electricity, Mom. It's acting up. It's the same thing that fried the phone." "No! It is not the electricity, Jonathan! Something is going on here! Yesterday the wall--" "What? What about the wall?" By that point the two were both yelling.

"I don't know! I don't know!"

"Mom, first the lights, then the wall?"

"I just know that Will is here!" Joyce tried to explain. Tears formed in Jonathan's eyes. "No, Mom."

"Maybe.. Maybe if I get more lamps--" Joyce got up was Jonathan got up as well. "You don't need more lamps. You need to stop this. Okay? He's just lost and you are going to freak Esther out!" Jonathan grabbed Joyce's face, trying to pull her back to reality. "People are looking for him, and they are going to find him."

"Okay." Joyce stammered as Jonathan let her go. The two sat down. "This isn't helping." "Okay, okay. I'm sorry." Joyce repeated.

"Can you do me a favor, Mom? Can you just try and get some sleep." Joyce sniffled. "Yeah.. I promise. I just need to sit here for a minute." "All right. I'll go make breakfast." Joyce nodded and Jonathan got up, walking out of the room to the kitchen.


A voice called out. Joyce turned around to see her daughter who was faking being asleep, then she turned to look at the supercomm. Joyce sighed and realized she should be getting Esther up anyways.

"Esthy do you copy? It's Mike."

"Esther." Joyce called out, she walked to Esther's bed, shaking the girls shoulders. "Mom?" Esther fake yawned. "Mike is calling for you. You better get up." She brushed the girls hair out of her face and smiled, then she pulled back and walked out of Esther's room. "Okay." Esther sat up slowly, teaching to her and Will's shared nightstand and grabbing her supercom.

"Yeah, I copy." 

"Okay good, meet at my house early before school, over."

"My mom is not going to let me bike around Mike." 

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