Chapter 5: The Flea And The Acrobat

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(Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of blood, mental abuse)

- Esther, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Eleven -

 "What was Will saying." Mike sighed, the group was sitting in the Wheeler's basement, Esther sat with her legs cuddled up to her chest and her head resting on Mike's shoulder. Eleven laid beside the two on the couch weak.

"Like home.. But dark." Esther shrugged. "And empty." Lucas added. "Empty and cold. Wait- did he say cold?" Dustin asked. "I don't know the stupid radio kept going in and out." Lucas complained. "Yes, he did say cold." Esther spoke so quiet. "Like home. Like his and Esther's house?" Mike asked. "Or maybe like Hawkins." Lucas perked up.

"Upside down." Eleven whispered. "What'd she say?" Lucas asked. "Upside down." Esther muttered. Not answering Lucas but just repeating what Eleven had said. It sounded so familiar.  Esther's eyes widened and she quickly sat up. "What?" Lucas asked, still not catching on.

"The upside down." Esther spoke louder, going to the DND table. "When.. When El showed us where Will was she flipped over the board." Esther began to explain, flipping the board over once, then again. Everyone got up besides Eleven and walked to stand around Esther.

"Upside down. Dark and empty." Esther tired to point them to what she was saying. "Do you understand what she's talking about?" Lucas asked the other two. "No." They both said in sync.  "Guys, think about it. When Eleven took us to find Will, she brought us to my house, right?" 

"Yeah? And he wasn't there." Lucas spoke annoyed. "But what if he was there. What if we just couldn't see him? What if he was on the other side." The three still seemed a bit confused. 

"Okay. What if, this is Hawkins.." Esther flipped the board to the lighter side, "and this is where Will is." She flipped the board again so it was on the darker side. "The upside down."

Dustin's jaw was dropped agape. "Like the Vale Of Shadows." 

"Exactly." Esther nodded.

"What?" Lucas asked, Esther sighed. "Mike, where is your DND book?" She asked, Mike walked over to  where Esther was sitting, he bent down and picked up his DND book, he handed it to Dustin for the boy to read it.  

Dustin began flipping through the pages, upon finding it, he began to read. "The Vale Of Shadows is a dimension that is a dark reflection or echo of our world. It is a place of decay and death. A plane out of phase. A place of monsters. It is right next to you, and you don't even see it." Dustin stopped reading. "An alternate dimension." Esther looked at Mike. 

"But.. how.. how do we get there?" Lucas asked. "You cast shadow walk." Dustin explained. "In real life, dummy." Lucas sighed. "We can't shadow walk, but.. maybe she can." Dustin looked at Eleven. The three all moved their eyes on the tired girl.

"Do you know how we get there? To the upside down?" Esther asked. Although she felt as if she knew. Eleven shook her head.

"Oh my, god." Lucas groaned.


- Byers family, besides Will -

Jonathan was in front of the Wheeler house in his car, waiting for Esther. The rest of the Party had gone home. Mike walked Esther to the front door. "Hey, Mike." Esther turned around. "Yeah?" He asked. "Thanks- for.. calling me over." Esther sheepishly smiled, she hugged Mike, wrapping her arms tightly around him, to which he responded back with a hug. "Yeah.." He muttered. "I gotta go. Bye." She smiled, opening the door and walked out. 

She didn't care for her bike and decided to just leave it there. "I Thought you'd want to stay home today." Jonathan asked as she sat down. "I changed my mind." She huffed. "Okay, well. Will's funeral is tomorrow." Jonathan explained. "Already?" Esther asked.

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