Chapter 1: Suzie, Do You Copy?

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(Warnings :Cursing, Mentions of blood, throwing up, and ptsd )

- Esther, Mike, Will -

Esther and Mike both sat on the girl's bed, they had music playing on the boombox right on Esther's nightstand. Mike was sitting with his back to the wall, his head rested on Esther's, his arms were wrapped around the girl's waist.

Esther laid in between Mike's legs, her knee's cuddled close to herself. She had a notebook resting on her legs as she continued her drawing.

Esther was drawing a welcome home card for Dustin, since he was returning home the next day.

"You should add nerd at the end." Mike suggested. "Hm.. Maybe. But this is supposed to be a nice thing for him." Esther smiled, turning her head to look at Mike. He smiled down at her, pecking her lips. "Well. I think it'd be funny." Mike fake pouted.

"Oh whatever, you big baby." Esther snickered, shaking her head. She was drawing stuff that reminded her of Dustin, or just science in general.

Will was sitting on his bed, which was still by Esther's. Esther had always tried to include Will in anything, it wasn't hard to notice how much the boy had gotten left out by the group, especially when Mike, Will and Esther always hung out.

"Hey, Will, do you wanna be the first to sign the card?" Esther asked, waving the colored card in the air. Will, who hadn't been paying attention jumped lightly from his spot. "Sure." Will nodded, Esther tossed the paper to him, which he failed to catch since it barely even made it off the bed.

"Will? Esther? Do you guys copy?"

"Lucas?" Will asked, he set down the paper, picking up the supercomm from the nightstand. "Yeah, we copy."

"Good! Is Mike with you guys? He isn't responding."

"Yeah, he's here with Esther."

"Well- are you guys coming? We're going to miss the movies!"

"Shit." Mike cursed. "Fuck- we forgot." Esther muttered, getting up from her spot to grab her bag.

"Yeah- we're on our way!" Will lied.

Will shut the antenna and rushed from his spot, he grabbed his bag, which was full of candies and food to sneak in the theater with, and rushed out of the room to go and put on his shoes. Mike grabbed his backpack, putting it on his back.

"I gotta change really quick- you can go and get your shoes on really quick." Esther rushed Mike out of the bedroom, he groaned and walked to Will.

Esther looked in the mirror and sighed, her hair was in desperate need of brushing, and her clothes were all wrinkled and just not good in general. She walked to her closet, pulling out a floral dress, white leggings, and an undershirt sleeves that popped out.

Her hair was more grown out, still brown, and it wasn't styled in a wolf cut anymore. It barely ran down her shoulders, and was just curly. She had decided to get rid of the wolf cut for the reasoning of someone calling her a 'messy haired freak'. So she just decided to layer out her layers and grow out her hair.

Esther was quick to put on her clothes, throwing on her Converses and rushing out the door. "Come on!" Esther yelped as she ran past Mike and Will, out the door to their bikes.


- Lucas, Esther, Will, Mike, Max -

"You're late." Lucas crossed his arms as he watched the three pull up. "Sorry, Lu!" Esther panted. "Again." He groaned. "We're gonna miss the opening because of these two." Will groaned. "Yeah, if you guys keep whining, lets go!" Mike put down his bike's kickstand, he grabbed Esther's hand and led the group into the crowded mall doors.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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