Chapter 9: The Gate

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( Warnings: Cursing, mentions of blood, fire)

- Esther, Will, Joyce, Jonathan, Nancy -

Waking up in a cold sweat, Esther attempted to sit up, but her arms and legs were being held down by ropes, trying her to the bed. She was sweating horribly and her body was burning. She looked to her right to see Will still asleep. She looked to her left to see Nancy, Jonathan, and Joyce, all staring at them.

"Whats happening?" She panted, her breathing quickening. She looked down and realized she was still in that stupid hospital gown. "It burns." She grunted quietly. "It burns!" She yelled louder. "It burns, it burns!" She began screaming, crying for her mercy.

Her screams woke up her twin, who looked around curiously, but he was quick to react to his body's heat. "Where are we?" He asked.

Esther had not stopped crying, her voice breaking as she continued to repeat 'it burns'. She was trying to break free from the ropes that tied her down.

Will started squirming around, trying to get out of the ropes as well. "Let me go! Let me go! It hurts!" The two screamed almost in sync.

Jonathan looked like he was about to break down crying right in that moment, he grasped Nancy's hand for a comfort. Joyce seemed to not even be effected by the sight. She leaned forward, turning up the head on the heater closest to Will.

She walked to the other one's, turning them all up higher. "Mom-" Jonathan's voice cracked. "No!" Joyce yelled, her eyes still on the two kids whom were still screaming.

She brought a heater closer to Esther, making the girl let out an ear shrilling scream. Jonathan couldn't take it anymore. He turned to hug Nancy, who was staring at the scene with wide eyes and her mouth left agape

"It's not working. It's not working. Mom, are you listening to me." Jonathan pleaded, he couldn't bear to see his little siblings in so much pain any more. "Just wait!" Joyce yelled at him. "How much longer?" He yelled back. "Look.. look at them!" Jonathan pointed to them.

"Jonathan, just wait!" Joyce yelled. "You're killing them!"

Will and Esther had both suddenly stopped screaming and crying. It was as if they were choking on nothing. Slowly, blood began to drip slowly down her nose as she focused on one of the ropes that held her wrist down.

Jonathan rushed forward, trying to turn off one of the many heaters. "Jonathan! Leave it!" Joyce demanded, not having taken notice of the girl trying to use her powers. "You're killing them!" Jonathan yelled.

"Jonathan, wait, Jonathan! Their necks! Their necks!" Nancy pointed out. That was when Joyce and both Jonathan and Nancy realized Esther was using her powers.

Black veins rose up their necks, the lights began to violently flicker and the two began to shake vigerously.

Just on cue, Esther was finally able to muster up all of her power and break through the rope, quickly she leaned to her other side to loosen her other hand. "No!" Joyce yelled, going quickly after Esther.

Esther replied by using her hand to harshly grasp her mother's neck, choking her out. Veins rose all along her face as she stared up at Joyce with darken eyes. Jonathan rushed towards the two, trying to break Joyce free from Esther's hold, but even the two of them both couldn't even get her grip off.

Will was able to loosen himself from the ropes, leaning over to try and get his other hand free. In a panic, Nancy rushed to the fire place, looking for something, anything, she could use to break free Joyce and finish this off.

She grabbed the metal stick that was inside the fireplace, it was burning hot. She lunged forward, stabbing Esther in the lower stomach with it. The girl let out an ear piercing scream. Will, yelped, screamed, and cried all at once in sync with Esther, throwing his head back.

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