Chapter 4: Will The Wise

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( Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of blood, seizures )

- Esther, Will, Joyce, Max, Lucas, Dustin, Mike -

Esther and Will were hand in hand, the two were folded into a shadow, which was forcing it's way into them. As if they were choking. Until it suddenly stopped. And Will had disappeared from the upside down. But Esther stayed. "Will?" She called out. Her voice rasped. "Will!" She yelled louder.

The girl turned around to be met with a smaller version of the Demogorgon, it was staring right at her. It leaped towards her, and she let out an ear shrilling scream, falling to her ass.

Her eyes were closed and her arms were hugging her knee's to her chest and her head was buried between her knee's. "Esther!" Joyce called out, rushing to her daughter's side. "Are you okay? Esther, look at me. "Joyce pleaded, Cupping Esther's face with her shaky hands. "Mom?" Esther whimpered.

"I'm here, I'm here." Joyce hugged Esther up so she was standing. "Come on, let's go." Joyce whispered. Esther, clung her hand to her Mom's tightly as Joyce brought them to the front of the school. Esther knew the other's were following behind.

She glanced back at Mike, Lucas, Max, and Dustin. Giving them no expression. Joyce helped the two into the car. Esther sat in the front, Will sitting behind her.


- Will, Joyce, Esther -

"I can't remember." Will whispered. "I need you to try." Joyce sighed. "Esther and I.. were on the field and.. then it.. it all just went blank, and then you were there." Will tried to explain as his voice began to give out on him.

Esther was off taking a cold shower, telling Joyce she needed to freshen up, and Joyce was basically interrogating Will in the dinning room.

"Will, I need you to tell me the truth."

"I am." Will shot back in defense.

Joyce sighed and got up from her seat. Almost right in time, Esther walked out of her and Will's room. She was wearing a tang top and shorts.

Joyce walked back with something in her hand, sitting down. "Esther, come here." Joyce waved her daughter over, urging her to come and sit down. Esther obeyed.

"This shape, I saw it on the video tape from Halloween night." Joyce explained. Once Esther had gotten a view of it. It was the shape of the shadow monster. Esther's face went cold. "It's the same shape as.. as your drawing." Joyce spoke to Will.

"What drawing?" Will asked. "That drawing in your room." Joyce sighed. Esther was looking down at the table. "That isn't mine." Will looked over at Esther. "What?"

"I didn't draw that." Will shrugged. Joyce looked at Esther, whom couldn't even look at her mom or brother.

"Esther. I can't.. I can't help you if I don't know what is going on." Joyce brought her hand out, grabbing her's. "No more secrets. Okay?" Esther only nodded.

"Okay. Did you two see this thing again on the field?" Joyce stammered. "Yes." The two whispered. "What.. what was it?"

"I don't know." Will whispered. "It's like.. more of a feeling than a thing." Esther spoke up. "Like the one you had that night at the arcade?" Joyce asked, directing her attention to Will. Will nodded with teary eyes. "Yes."

"What does it want?" Joyce asked. Will looked at Esther. "I don't know." He muttered. "It came for us, and.. And I tried. We tried to make it go away. But Esther was too weak and I wasn't loud enough. But.. But it got us, Mom." Will's voice cracked, tears forming in his eyes.

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