Chapter 8: The Upside Down

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(Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of blood, mentions of guns, mentions of seizures, guns, ect)

- Esther, Mike, Eleven, Dustin, Lucas -

Esther laid with her head still on Lucas'  shoulder. She could feel someone's eyes boring into her figure, she looked at Dustin, then Mike, who was staring at the girl with a blind eye. The two made eye contact for a few moments before Mike broke it.

The boy got up and quickly walked out of the Gym, everyone's eyes followed him. Esther turned to look at Lucas, who just shrugged.

The loud bang of the school doors closing, then them creaking open. Mike's figure appeared back as he walked into the Gym. "They're gone." Mike announced. "What?" Lucas asked.

"Nancy and Jonathan. His car is gone."

"They're probably just sucking face somewhere." Dustin sighed, obviously tired.  

"Gross." Esther and Lucas grimaced in sync.

"No. No way!" Mike scrunched up his nose. "Did they go with the Chief?" Dustin asked. "I don't know."

"No." Eleven spoke up. "What? Did you see them? Do you know where they went?" Mike asked. "Yes." "Where? Where did they go?"



"They went to go and fight the Demogorgon." Esther basically translated. Lucas sighed, standing up. Dustin followed. 

"Guys, this is crazy, we can't just wait around." Mike complained to Lucas and Dustin. "Mike, in case you forgot, we're still fugitives. The bad men are still looking for us, and Esther and Eleven.

"Yeah, we don't even know where your sister is." 

"El and Esther can find them." Mike turned to look at the two. Esther's pale face was 10x more pale now, black bags rested under her eyes as she cuddled against Eleven, who looked to be in about the same condition, but less drained.

"Mike, look at them. I still think we should stick to the Chief's plan." Dustin pointed to the two girls. "Exactly. We stay here, and keep El and Esthy out of sight and safe. That's the most important thing, remember?"

"Beside, she's okay, she's with Jonathan."

"Yeah, and she's kind of a badass now so.." Dustin added. Then he turned around and began walking away. "Well, where are you going? You just said t stick to the plan!" Mike called after him. 

"I am. I'm just going to go and get some chocolate pudding. I'm telling you lunch lady Phyllis hoards that shit." 

"Are you serious?" Mike threw his arms in the air, yelling after Dustin. "The girls need to be recharged!" Lucas sighed, he walked over to Esther and Eleven, grabbing Esther's hand, Esther grabbed Eleven's. "Come on." He whispered, leading the two out of the gym and after Dustin.

Mike huffed deeply before he begrudgingly followed after the group. Entering the cafeteria, Esther dropped Lucas' hand. He turned around and looked at her confused. "You guys go and get the pudding. I'm gonna stay back." "Oh, alright. Come on El." Lucas ushered, as Dustin, Lucas, and Eleven all were digging around in the kitchen for the lunch ladies pudding, Esther and Mike were both seated at a table close to the wall.

The two sat in silence, Mike occasionally glancing at the girl, who only pretended to not notice it, but she noticed it full well.

"Mike, I found the chocolate pudding!" Dustin's voice cracked loudly, Esther shamefully covered her ears. "Okay!" Mike screamed back.

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