Part 7

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Over the next week I trained myself and my time powers.

I'm still undecided on just when I should update my Quirk Information, I could do it immediately, the numerous abilities I've discovered would work.

Or I could wait a while and learn more before updating it.

I remained undecided for the next day or so till something decided I had to make a decision.


I look through Herotube when I see an ad to update your Quirk Registry.

-Update Here! You learn more about your Quirk constantly, tell us what you've learnt and we'll keep track for you!-

My thumb hovered over the button hesitantly.

The Chronon Particles around me shifted, and I look up.

Two versions of me appeared, the left me had my thumb on the screen.

The right had me toss my phone on the couch and walk away.

Chronon Energy hummed in the stillness.

"Is this some sort of... Time Intervention? A choice? And a warning?" I ask the energy in the air, seeing the world behind me frozen.

Intrinsically I understood that time would never start again until I made a choice.

[The choice is yours. Left or right. Look and see what happens per choice] I hear whispered by infinite voices in my ear.

I look to the Update.

And see the future.

"I could update, and the Villains would learn of my powers, my current capabilities and limitations. But the Heroes would also know" I murmur. "The League would accelerate their timeline"

"We need your assistance, there was an attack by the League of Villains..."


"There seems to be enough space for a Nomu, please look into the past"

"A man with..."

"What is this!?"

I would learn of an enemy in the near future. And of some kind of attack would happen at the same time.

I look to the right.


"I would remain undetected for a bit longer, but the Heroes wouldn't call me in for the attack. I wouldn't learn vital Intel. The League would remain on track"

"Breaking news, Yesterday the city behind me was reduced to dust, the League is believed to have been involved"


"All Might, I need Melissa to make me something"


"Why aren't you updating your Quirk Registry?"

"I have my reasons"

If I delay for as long as I can I'll gain mastery of my Time Powers unimpeded, my skills growing, but we would've alone for an attack. The outcome is uncertain"

For a few days of frozen time I ponder and map out the possibilities in my mind.

But I turn to Delay and choose it.

Reality seemed to shudder as my choice was made.

With a heavy heart I looked up from my phone.

I heard Eri calling for me and stood, tossing my phone down.

The Betrayed Chronon ShifterWhere stories live. Discover now