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• Samridhi •



"Mumma! Where Are you?"

"In kitchen." I shouted while doing dishes.

Why am i doing dishes? Cause my maid thought to ditch us at last minute.

Atharva came running into kitchen with book in his hand.

"See! Mumma. What I've made!" He exclaimed with his book shoving my side.

"What have my baby made?" I asked with same energy my 6 year old giving.

I washed my hands and made him sit on kitchen island.

He gave me book in which there is a drawing of family with home.

"Who are they? Baby." I asked.

"Offo! Mumma. You are silly." He said in his over dramatic style. Don't know from where this little creature have this much energy.

"Look, this is you." He said showing lady in saree.

"This is me." He said pointing towards a boy.

"This is Saani." He pointed towards a girl in her pink dress.

"And this is dadda!" He pointed towards a man.

"You know, mumma!" He again said looking directly in my eyes with his doe dark brown eyes.

I gesture him to continue with shaking my head down to up.

"When we'll find Saani. We'll buy so many chocolate for her. She always liked it. You know she sometimes ate my chocolate also. But I was big boy so I let  her have my Chocolate. That makes her happy and then she will hug me and kiss  my cheeks and say that I'm her favourite human in the world." He started explaining to me.

I nod.

And open my arms for him to take.

He jumped on me. I took him in my arms. And started walking towards his room.

"And once we got Saani. I'll find dadda! Then I'll marry you to him." He said.

"Why? I don't want to marry anyone." I asked him.

"You no choice. You will listen to me. After all I'm the house of the man." He said.

I chuckled and corrected him "you mean man of the house."

He nodded several times. Making me smile.

My Atharva.

My world.

My home.

My everything.

I'll not let anyone disturb my baby's life.

Soon we entered his room.

I tucked him in bed.

Kissed his forehead. And slipped under the duvet.

He instantly hugged me.

"Mumma! We will find Saani. Right?" He asked me.

I nodded.

"Yes, mumma will find Saani." His breathing got slower.

His slipped into soft slumber.

I caressed his hair. Again kissed his forehead.

I couldn't believe. It's been 2 years.

That day everything changed. Everything in my life become beautiful. Because of this little bundle of joy.

I smiled remembering the day when I've met my boy for the first time.

He was just 4 year old. As much as I like to think about that day. I couldn't forget that it's not good day for my baby. That day he lost his sister.

His twin sister.

His love.

His Saani.

For world Atharva's Saanvi.

I'll upside down the world if I have to. For my boy I can do everything.

I'll find our Saani. Hope she is safe. Sheltered. Happy.

His stirring in sleep broke my chain of thoughts.

"Mumma! We will find Saani." He whispered in his sleep.

"Yes, baby." Seems contained my answer he slept peacefully.

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