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It's been week since Samridhi and Saamy started working together. In starting it was too much for Samridhi to handle but as time passed Sammy managed to break a shell. Now they both behave like best friends. More like sisters.

Once I asked Samridhi if she haven't had any problem with Sammy. Like we all knew her from the way to longer but it was obvious that Samridhi need time to get comfortable with people but to my surprise she told me that she likes her company a lot.

We haven't had any dates after our terrace date. But still we talk to each other every night.

Before I can dwell more into situation my phone went off. I picked up the call...

"Hello!" I said.

"Hello bhai.." He said.

"Bhai.. whoh badi maa.. bhai whoh badi maa..." he shattered.

"What? Kabir say clearly. What happened to Mom." I asked.

"Bhai badi maa.. fainted. She is not getting conscious. Bhai come home. She is mumbling your name subconsciously" He said with heavy voice.

"Don't worry. Kabir take care of maa. I'll be there." I said before hanging up.


"Samridhi! Samridhi! Where are you...." I screamed.

"Ekaansh! Stop screaming top of your lungs. Kids are sleeping." She said.

"What happened? Why are you looking like this." She asked seeing my expression.

"We need to go to Mumbai." I said.

"Mom! She is not... she is not.." I shattered badly.

"It's fine. Everything is fine. Everything will be fine. Just breathe." She said hugging me.

I really didn't know that I needed one untill she hugged me.

"When we need to go?" She asked.

"Now!" I said pulling out from hug.

She scrunched her eyebrow.

"But, kids?" She asked.

"Don't worry. They know about Saanvi. But for you and Atharva we can clear it after reaching there." I said.

"But we can stay here if...." she tried to say.

"You are coming with me. I'm not leaving you here. And above that Saanvi needs you and Atharva.  There will be lots of people and she gets anxious with many people." I said.

After sometimes she nodded.

We moved to our respective rooms to pack bags.

After half an hour we were in living room with bags. But kids are still sleeping. We decided to let them sleep. So we both went to their room and carry them with us. I took Atharva as he is more heavy and Samridhi took hold on Saanvi.

Soon we departure  to airport.

After not so long flight we reached mumbai.

As we out of airport both kids were awakening.

Saanvi was the first to open her eyes and looked here and there to grasp the surrounding. Soon her expression got worried and she looked at me.

I took her in my laps and said

"Baby, you know that right we have big big Family?"

She nodded.

"So as you have your mumma Samridhi. I also have mumma. So she is you dadi. And she is not well." I said.

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