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• Ekaansh •

Finally! I'm getting ready to meet her again. Once I get to know everything I called her.

Not really I called her. My secretary did. But same thing right? It doesn't matter. Matter is I'm finally meeting her.

With my babygirl.

Yes I've decided that there is no point in holding back. It's going to happen anyway. But that doesn't mean I'm not jealous of that little boy. He got to have two girls whom I love the most. Annnnd his mumma don't even know that. Huhh!

Still anything for my girls!

"Are you ready, baby?" I asked to her. She nodded grinning. She is on the cloud nine.

When I said her that I found his Avi she was just too happy. I hoped time to stop right there where my baby was too happy. Nevermind she is still happy and I'll make sure she always will be.

"Let's go" I said to her. And she pointed her hands out to me to take her in my arms. I picked her up.

We left for cafe.

• Samridhi •

"Hello, Samridhi here."

"Hello, Samaira this side. I'm Mr. Ekaansh Rathore's secretary. Would you spare me a minute?" A girl from other side spoke.

Did he have every employee this professional? What is he a "mogembo" ?

Does he also say things like "Mogembo khush huaa! Ha ha ha!"

Shh shh shh Samridhi back to business. What are you even thinking.

"Ma'am! Are you there?" Again this girl.

"Yeh! Yes. What you want to talk to me?"
I asked politely.

"Ma'am sir asked me to fix your appointment with him. He wants to invite you for lunch. With you child." She said.

"He what?" I said in unbelievable tone.

"Why I will bring my baby?" I asked.

"Don't know ma'am. Sir said me to tell you that he will do the same." She said.

Ohh! Now he wants to meet my baby and he will bring his baby. What he is trying to do. But If I want to find out I have to go. You never know!

"Ohkk! Send me details." I said and hung up the call.

After 30 sec my phone rang with notification.

It is address of some cafe.

"You Ready baby?" I asked Atharva as I placed him on passanger seat and myself in driving seat.

He nodded.

"You know right. There will be a uncle and her daughter. I think she will be same age of yours." I said to him.

"Yes, mumma. I know. I'm big boy now. You forgive I'm house of the man." He said pointing towards himself.

"It's man of the house. Baby!" I corrected.

He shrugged his shoulders.

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