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It's been week since our terrace date. It's quite normal to have them around. Like at first we were only two. Me and my baby Saanvi. But not it's became four. Samridhi and Atharva became part of our lifes. I know Saanvi Loves Atharva. Obviously they are twins. But still she is quite not comfortable with Samridhi. She have not been said anything to anyone because she is too selfless to do that.

But I know. Something is bothering her.

So as it's 6 in the evening I knocked on children's bedroom and entered. There is no sign of Atharva. He must be with Samridhi tailing behind her. It's his favourite thing to do.

"What's my babygirl doing?" I asked as walking to her.

She looked at me and then pointed to her drawing book.

She have done quite awful drawing. She really sucks at it. But Atharva likes to draw so is she. So I never called it out or never let anyone call it out.

"I want to talk to you." I asked.

She nodded and pulled out her hands for me to pickup her.

I pulled her and sat on the bed with her on my laps.

"Do you liking visiting Raghav uncle?" I asked as Raghav is child psychiatrist.

She gave me nod with smile. So that man had made cozy space in my baby's mind.

"Achha! Now tell me you like Samridhi?" I asked her.

She gave me curt nod.

"What happened?" I asked her.

She looked at me for some time and then just hug me.

As I thought she is feeling insecure about me. As Atharva is for Samridhi.

No doubts they are both respectful kids. They know we love them so much.

But at the end they are just 6 year old kids. They just don't want to loose one more thing in their life.

So Atharva also behave like I'm intruding his family. He also declare it with saying he is the house of the man. 'man of the house' but Saanvi is different from him. She is not that much outspoken. But as long as she hadn't been crying mess around Samridhi there is quite chances. She will get around soon.

"Baby! You know I love you the most. You know that right." She nodded as I said.

"And do you know the Angle I told you about!" As I said. She looked up from the hug. Now I have her full attention.

"She is Samridhi. You know what she had done?" I asked. She shook her head in no.

"She saved Atharva. She gave him love. Then you know when she got to know that you are his sister she did so many things to find you. And you know when she found you what she had done? She changed her house and come to live with us so that you don't have to go to other place. You don't like to go others places,right?"

She nodded again.

"She also loves you baby!" I said.

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