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"Atharva wouldn't be suspended." I stated.

"But Mr. Rathore...."

"My son wouldn't be suspended. And if anything of this happens you will call me instead of Ms. Kapoor. Am I clear!" I said in no-nonsense tone.

She nodded.

Good for her.

"About that boy's parents. Share me their contact. I'll talk to them."

She nodded.

And left the cabin and started looking for Samridhi. I almost checked every corner but she is not anywhere.

Now I'm getting worried. Where she could have been.

I called her almost 8 times but she didn't pick up.

Atlast I decided to check backside of the garden.

There she is.

Hugging her legs..

Sitting while putting her head on legs.

I went towards her and sat next to her.

She is crying, sobing without making any sound.

I put my on her shoulder. She got startled.

"Shhh! It's me." I whispered softly not wanting to scare her.

"What happened?" I asked as I wiped her tears off

For sometime she looked at me without blinking.

"Atharva wouldn't be suspended, if it's what you are worried about." I stated.

She again just stared at me.

"Samridhi!" I called her.

Suddenly, she jumped on me. Making me pushed backward with sudden move.

She started crying but this time with sound. She started crying like child.

"I failed, Ekaansh. I failed. I failed as mother. I couldn't take care of Atharva. I failed him, I failed him...." She started saying this between her bawling.

"No, bachha. You didn't. You didn't fail as mother. You didn't fail Atharva." I said caressing her hair.

But she made space between me and her and started speaking again.

"You don't know it. I couldn't be good mother to him. I couldn't even help him to not get suspended. He got into fight and I don't know even the reason. I don't know my baby. I failed. He always suffered because I'm single mom. But I'm too selfish. I'm to selfish to give him up. If he would had a normal family that have adopted him than anything of these wouldn't have happened. Just If I was less selfish....." Fresh tears come in her eyes again.

"That's not true, bachha. Any normal family wouldn't have loved him as you do. Any normal family wouldn't have tried to find his twin sister. And any family wouldn't have made their world rotate around him like you did." I said caressing her head.

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