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"Why the hell you are calling me?" I asked as I picked up the call.

"Just to remind you that you have two months for your self." The person from the other side said as cold as he can be.

"You don't need to remind me." I said while getting irritated.

"This time I won't listen to you. So Let me tell you clearly if you will not be here next morning when your time is up. I'll personally pick you up. And you won't like the consequences." He said before hanging up the call.

Like seriously It's my life dude. I'll be the one who will decide what to do.

Still I've two months remaining.

I freshen up and walked to living room. Today is my important meeting for my next project so I can't work from home. So I have to go and attend the meeting. 

So I called Ekaansh as I move towards my Car.

After 2 rings he picked up my call.

"Hello!" He said.

"Hey! I've called you tell that..." before I can complete my sentence he cut me off by saying...

"You know you don't have to make excuse to call me. I know you were missing me so You can just tell me that you were missing me. No need to find reasons." he said cheekily.

"Ekaanshhh!" I retorted.

"Hnn! Meri jaan!" He said.

I fought for my smile not to come out but still I smiled ear to ear. Blushing! Why this to words can do magic to me. I wasn't that easy. Or was I?

"No need to fought with you smile, Baby. You can smile." He said again.

"Who tell you that I was smiling?" I replied weakly.

"I don't  need anyone to tell me that you were smiling. I know that with my heart." He said cheesy cheesy.

"Stop being cheesy. It's creepy." I said.

"For you I can be anything. If making you smile means I need to be cheesy, creepy  or anything I don't care." He said.

This time I blushed profoundly.

"Okay. Enough. I called you to tell you that I'm going for meeting. And I'll back before kids get back from school." I said. 

"Ok. All the best for your meeting." Came his reply.

Thanking him I hang up the call before getting in my car.

After 10 min. I reached to the building. I went to suggested place from receptionist.

After a minute a Lady in short white dress came.

She game me beautiful smile.

I too smiled little didn't want to be rude. But still It hasn't reach my eyes.

"Hey! Samaira Arora." She said forwarding her hand.

"Samridhi Kapoor." I said shaking hands.

Soon the room started filling with people. Some have their assistant with them while some have their whole team.

Here I'm. Just me. What can I do. I'm  freelancer.

"Freelancer?" This girl Samaira asked.  I nodded my head.

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