Chapter 5 (Book 1)

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,,So, we are here." Alonso said, when they arrived at the train station. ,,We have to go... to platform 9¾." Charles read from the letter. ,,Where is that?" He asked, after looking around. ,,I don't see one." He added. ,,Of course, you don't see it. It is hidden." Mark smiled. ,,So, where do I go?" Charles asked. ,,Let's go." Alonso said and took Mark's hand. ,,We have to go through here." Mark gestured to a wall. Charles raised his eyebrow. ,,How?" ,,Just go through. Like this." Alonso said and dragged Mark through the wall, disappearing into it. ,,Whoa." Charles gasped. He reached into the wall, and his fingers went through it, like it was nothing. He took a breath and went in with his trolley.
,,Welcome to platform 9¾!" Mark said. The platform look like all the other ones in Monte Carlo. It was filled with families and trolleys and owls. ,,We have to leave you here, kiddo." Mark said. ,,Yea. We cannot travel by that train." Alonso explained. ,,Oh. Thank you for bringing me here?" Charles said, now unsure of what do say. ,,It was a pleasure meeting you, Charles." Alonso said. ,,Come here, kiddo." Mark said and pulled them into a hug. ,,We will see each other soon, at Hogwarts." Alonso said and patted his back. ,,Yea, see you soon." Mark said. They waved him and then they left. Charles looked around and went towards the train.
Charles stood there, like an idiot, watching them leave. His trance as cut short, because someone just bumped into him. ,,I'm sorry." The person said. ,,It's okay." Charles replied and took a look at the person. It was a boy, about his age, and taller than him. He had a French accent and there was another boy behind him. He looked younger than him. The taller boy had brown hair and brown eyes, and so did the other boy. ,,I apologize." The taller boy said. ,Pierre! Oscar! Come here!" Another voice called. The boys nodded to Charles and they walked off. ,,I should probably go into the train." Charles realised and went after them.
,,Sorry padre, I ran into someone." He heard the boy tell. ,,Okay. I hope you apologized. He will probably be your classmate." a taller man, with black hair and Mexican accent said and he hugged him. ,,We will miss you." The Mexican said. ,,I will miss you too. But I will be okay. Kevin is already there, in the 6th grade." The boy said. ,,Yea, I will take care of him." Another voice, this time it sounded like Danish or Swedish, chimed in. ,,Good. Make no trouble." The man said. Charles walked around them, and when he was about to pass them, the younger boy said: ,,That's him!" it was so unmistakably Australian. Charles turned around and gave them a little wave.
,,Hi." He said, shyly. ,,Hello! I'm Pierre. And this is Kevin." He gestured to the older boy, who smiled. ,,I am Arthur, and this is Oscar!" another kid chimed in. He had a French accent. ,,I'm Charles." He smiled and he shook Pierre's hand. ,,I'm Sergio Peréz, but please call me Checo." The man said and smiled. ,,Pleasure to meet you." Charles said. ,,Are you here for the first time?" Checo asked. ,,Uhm.. Yea." Charles nodded. ,,Your parents already left?" Arthur asked. ,,Ohm.. well kind of..." Charles answered. Pierre raised and eyebrow. ,,My parents are dead, so I grew up with... muggles?" he explained. ,,Oh! Sorry. If it makes you feel better, my parents also died." Arthur said. ,,Oh." Charles sighed. ,,Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Charles," Checo said. ,,But your train will be leaving soon, so you all should board." ,,Okay padre." Kevin said and he took his luggage inside. ,,I want to go too!" Arthur pouted. ,,You will go next year, Arthur. You and I, both." Oscar said. ,,But that is so far away!" Arthur argued. ,,It will be over soon." Pierre smiled. ,,Bye!" Charles and Pierre waved and they went inside the train.
,,Can we sit together?" Pierre asked. ,,Of course!" Charles smiled. ,,Thank god. Kevin is with his friends somewhere." Pierre said. ,,You have an interesting family." Charles mentioned, after a while. ,,Thank you?" Pierre said, unsure how to continue. ,,Are you all adopted?" Charles asked. ,,Yea, Padre adopted us." Pierre said, smiling. ,,That makes sense, you all look way to different to be siblings." ,,Yea, Kevin, the oldest is Danish. I am French, and so is Arthur. Oscar is from Australia." Pierre explained. ,,That's cool. I'm from Monaco." Charles said. ,,So, a local? Cool. You may soon realize that we all have different last names." Pierre added. ,,Really?" Charles raised an eyebrow. ,,So, there is no Pierre Peréz?" he asked. ,,Nope. Only Pierre Gasly." Piere smiled. ,,I hadn't had my last name changed either." Charles revealed. ,,I'm Charles Leclerc." He smiled.
Pierre stilled, eyes wide and mouth open. He stared at Charles, then shook his head, as if to regain consciousness. ,,Wait. You are Charles Leclerc?" he asked. Charles nodded, one eyebrow risen. ,,Like the Charles Leclerc? Charles Marc Hervé Percival Leclerc? The Il Predestinato?" ,,Uhh.. qui?" he answered. ,,Wow. I have thought that I will meet you, let alone sit with you in a coupé." Pierre stated. ,,Anyway, it is a pleasure to meet you." He said and smiled. ,,And I hadn't known that I was "predestined" before the letter." Charles admitted. ,,Oh, really? So before you got that letter, you had lived your life as a normal child?" Pierre asked. ,,Wait that sounded wrong. Sorry." Charles smiled. ,,It's okay. But yes, I did live what most would call normal life. I was aware of my adoption, having different last name and all, but I was never told about my magic heritage. So, when the letter first came in, I dismissed it as a prank and threw it out." He admitted. ,,You threw it out?" Pierre asked. ,,Yep. I never have never heard of Hogwarts or Binotto or anything so I simply thought that my older brother pranked me." He explained. ,,Then how did you get on this train?" Pierre asked once again. ,,I actually got a second letter. It arrived while we were eating among other letters and then my parents explained everything to me." ,,Oh. I guess that you are not the only one from a muggle family. I suppose that some of them would think of it as a prank." Pierre shrugged.
,,How about you? You knew of Hogwarts before the letter, non?" Charles asked, he did not want to only talk about himself, plus he was interested in Pierre's point of view. ,,Yes. Checo is a wizard and he did attend Hogwarts, and of course my brother, Kevin is in 6th grade. So when I got a letter, it was no surprise for me. I was excited and Arthur was envious, but other than that, I had an idea of what will happen." Pierre explained. ,,That must've been nice." Charles commented. ,,It was." Pierre smiled. ,,Now, let's not dwell on this. Have you heard about quidditch?" Pierre's eyes lit up. Charles said that Alonso explained some basic things to him, but other than that, no. Pierre was very happy to tell him everything about it.
,,And that's why the Alpine Phoenixes are the best." Pierre stated, ending his speech about quidditch. ,,Alpine?" Charles laughed. ,,Yes, Alpine!" Pierre exclaimed. ,,What's wrong with it?" ,,Nothing really, it's just there's a team in Formula 1 called Renault and they have a car brand called Alpine." ,,What is a Formula 1?" Pierre asked. ,,Checo mentioned it once, actually. Something with his work had to be done there I think." Charles' eyes lit up. It was now his turn to yap about his interest. But before he could start, a lady with a trolley knocked on their door. ,,Do you want to buy anything?" She asked, smiling all sweetly. Charles looked at Pierre. ,,Yes, I would like to try some..." he said and took a look at them. ,,Pierre, could you perhaps recommend?" he turned to Pierre. ,,Of course. Try these chocolate frogs. Also these beans. And maybe these ones are good too..."
,,Why are they moving?" Charles asked when he opened one of the frogs. ,,It's a spell. You don't have food like this?" Pierre answered with full mouth. ,,I guess I can try. After all, you are chewing on them." Charles said and took the frog out. He it bit, expecting something disgusting. ,,Oh. It really is just a chocolate." He said. ,,Yea, I told you it's just a spell." Pierre grinned. Their feast was interrupted by a knock on the door. ,,Excuse me?" a short Japanese boy opened. ,,Have you seen a white cat?" he asked. His accent was thick, so it took a second for them to understand. ,,No, sorry." Charles answered. ,,Do you need help?" Pierre asked and gave the boy a reassuring smile. ,,I..." The Japanese started, but before he could finish, someone called him over. ,,Thank you." He said to them and went after his cat.
,,I'm going to the toilet." Pierre said. Charles nodded. He and Pierre talked about Hogwarts. Pierre explained the rivalry in between the houses, some classes, and other teachers he had heard from Kein about and some history. The door opened and Charles looked up. ,,Charles, this is Yuki!" he introduced the Japanese man from before. ,,I ran into him on the way back, actually, so I invited him here. I hope you don't mind?" he explained. Yuki was much shorter than Pierre, and he was kind of hiding behind him. ,,Yea of course. ,,I'm Charles, it's nice to meet you." He smiled. Yuki smiled at him and he sat next to Pierre. ,,Is one of you from a muggle family?" Yuki asked after a while. ,,Technically I am." Charles said.
,,Oh, so I wasn't the only one weirded out by the letter?" Yuki asked. ,,Nope, I threw the first one out, because I assumed that it was a prank." Charles explained. ,,Really? I did that too. But then someone actually came for me to explain everything." Yuki said. ,,Same." ,,You have already met the teachers?" Pierre asked. ,,I did." Charles replied. ,,Me too. Charles who did you meet?" Yuki asked. ,,Alonso and Webber. You?" ,,I have met Alonso too!" Yuki exclaimed. ,,Alonso? That's not fair!" Pierre argued. ,,He his like the coolest teacher!" ,,Really?" Yuki and Charles both asked at the same time. ,,According to Kevin, he's a walking meme icon." Pierre explained. ,,Kevin?" Yuki asked. ,,Pierre's older brother." Charles explained.
,,Have you two known each other before you got the letter?" Yuki asked. ,,No. I bumped into him at the train station." Pierre explained. ,,Yea, he has a really nice family though." Charles smiled. ,,Pardon me for asking, but are you both Monagasque?" Yuki asked, a little shy. I am not." Pierre smiled. ,,Sorry for assuming, it's just that you have a French accent and you met in Monaco..." Yuki rambled on. ,,Don't worry, you weren't that far off. I'm actually French." Pierre explained. ,,Yuki, actually, I have a question." Charles interrupted them. Yuki looked at him. ,,You are Japanese? Right?" Yuki nodded. ,,So, have you moved anywhere close to Monaco or have you had to travel here?" ,,Well, I was born in Japan, and I lived there for 12 years. But 6 months ago, we moved to Europe." Yuki explained. ,,Aha, thanks." ,,So, do you have a cute Japanese last name?" Pierre asked, grinning. Yuki blushed. ,,Well, I'm Yuki Tsunoda." He replied. ,,Do you think that it's cute?" he smiled back at Pierre. ,,Very." Pierre replied. ,,You can't say that about yourself, can you? Pierre Peréz." Charles teased. ,,There is no Pierre Peréz! Only Pierre Gasly!" he corrected him. Yuki gave them a questioning look. ,,I am actually adopted. We all have different last names, me and my brothers." ,,Oh." Yuki smiled. ,,How about you, Charles? What is you full name?" Yuki asked. ,,We're doing full names now?" Charles raised his eyebrows. Yuki nodded. ,,I am Charles," he started. ,,Marc Hervé Percival Leclerc." ,,Oh! Are you the Il Predestinato?" Yuki asked. ,,Apparently." ,,Wait you have heard of him?" Pierre asked. ,,I read some books about magic world when I had learned about it. And Nando did talk about you." ,,Ok."
Their gossip session was interrupted by the door opening. He recognized the boy who opened it. It was Max. ,,Oh hey Max." he smiled at him. Max stared at him. ,,Is it true?" he said. ,,They said that the famous Charles Leclerc is here. So it is you?" ,,Yea? That's me." Charles said and looked behind Max. There were two boys, both brunets. ,,I know that we have already met. But you officially..." Max started. Charles raised his eyebrow and he returned Max' burning gaze.
Charles stared at the blond, blue eyed boy. ,,I'm Max, Max Verstappen." The boy smirked. ,,And this is Lando and Daniel." He looked at the boys with fondness in his eyes, you could see that he valued them. ,,You will find that some families are better than other, Leclerc. I can teach you which." He said, offering his hand for Charles to shake.
,,I think I can choose for myself." Charles said. Max did not go red, but his ears did turn pink. ,,I wouldn't say that." Max said coldly. ,,I would be politer." It sounded like a threat, and it probably was. ,,Are you threatening me?" Charles asked, the warm in his voice long gone. ,,No, why would you think that?" he smirked. ,,Unless you want to fight us?" ,,Get the fuck out." Charles demanded. ,,Let's go boys. The princess here wants us to leave." Max said, voice serious and cold. The two boys, Lando and Daniel snickered behind him.
,,You knew him?" Pierre asked. ,,Kind of. We met at grand prix and then yesterday in a shop. He was a bit cold then, but I hadn't expected this. He was acting like a total jerk." Charles replied. ,,He said Verstappen, right?" Yuki asked. ,,I think so." Pierre replied. ,,I have read about them. They are some kind of old rich family." Yuki explained. ,,Old rich family?" Charles asked. ,,Yes. I think his father, Jos Verstappen, works at the Ministry of Magic." Yuki continued. ,,Ministry of Magic? Now that I think about it, the name does sound familiar. Maybe my father will now. I will send him a letter when we will be sorted out." Pierre said.
,,Mate, what the fuck was that?" Lando asked. Daniel patted Max on the back. ,,You know, if he is the boy you met at the grand prix, you could've gone off that. Maybe you should had been a bit less blunt? Because I understand what you wanted to say, but I guess he did not." Daniel, who was older (by a year), therefore wiser, as he liked to say, said. ,,But he was also rude. I am Verstappen. I won't let him or anyone for that matter walk over me." Max said coldly. ,,It was funny though, already arguing like a married couple." Lando joked. ,,Don't." Max growled. ,,It is not funny, Lando. My father will kill me." He gulped. Daniel's smile disappeared. ,,He won't. Just say that he insulted you first and that you won't let him make fun of you or your family." He said. ,,I will try to apologize to him." Max said. ,,You? Apologize?" Lando asked. ,,Yes. Otherwise, my father will kill me." He stated.
,,Daniel?" Max asked, after Lando left. ,,Yes?" Daniel asked. ,,Do you think that Charles and I could ever be friends?" he asked. ,,I hope so." Daniel responded. ,,It's just, I know I have said the wrong thing, but what if he won't be interested in giving me a second chance?" he said. ,,Well then he can go fuck himself." Daniel said. ,,Max, you are unbelievingly stubborn. So I think that you will make it work, whether Charles wants it or not." Daniel continued.
Lando soon came back. ,,We will be there soon." He said. ,,Okay." Daniel said. ,,Ready for Hogwarts?" he asked. ,,Yes." Max said, looking out the window. ,,Is it really as magical as you said?" Lando asked. Daniel nodded. ,,Where do you think that I'll be sorted into?" Lando asked. ,,I am not sure." Daniel replied. ,,I hope it will be Slytherin, I want to be there with you guys!" Lando said. ,,We could have sleepovers." Max smiled. ,,And we could maybe invite Carlos. And some others." Daniel said. ,,Carlos?" Max asked. ,,He is a Spaniard in my year. The only difference is that he is I Gryffindor." Daniel said. ,,You talk with Gryffindors? I cannot believe you!" Lando said. ,,Jeez, the rivalry is still there. In sports I mean. Why would I be mean to them?" Daniel replied. ,,True."
The train stopped. ,,Shall we go out?" Max asked. ,,You two have to go. I am going a different route." Daniel explained. ,,Oh. See you at the castle?" Lando said. ,,See you at the castle." Daniel smiled.
Lando and Max left the compartment and stepped out of the train. They were many students around them. ,,Where do we go?" Lando asked, looking around. Max looked around too, but before he could answer, someone bumped into them. ,,Sorry." The short boy from Charles' compartment said. When he realised who he bumped into, he froze. ,,It's okay." Max smiled. ,,I'm Max." he said, hoping that the boy would not be mad for Charles. The boy smiled. ,,I'm Yuki." ,,I guess that you are not from around here, are you?" Lando said after I while. ,,Oh, I'm Lando by the way." ,,No, I am from Japan." The boy explained. ,,Nice! I was there once, for the Suzuka Grand Prix!" Max beamed. ,,You watch Formula 1?" Yuki asked. ,,Yes, I like it almost as much as quidditch." Max smiled. ,,I love F1, but I haven't seen quidditch yet..." Yuki said. ,,You will love it. But, what is you favourite team?" Max asked. ,,I like Torro Rosso. A really close second is Red Bull racing." Yuki replied. ,,Almost same. I prefer Red Bull out of the two of them." Max said.
,,First years please come with me!" A man voice said. Everyone turned their gazes to a tall man with a lamp. ,,Please follow me. My name is Mark Webber, and I am a keeper of keys and grounds here at Hogwarts. Welcome! We will have a short boat ride before all of you are sorted into your houses." He said and gestured towards the lake with boats. ,,You don't need to worry, the boats are under a spell and all you need to do is to just look around, take the scenery in." he smiled. ,,Now, please get in!"
Max and Lando sat in a boat together. They had to waited until everyone is sat, and then they flew out. ,,Yuki seems nice." Max said. ,,Yea, he does." Lando replied. The lake was dark and deep, and cold. The sun had long set, leaving only darkness and the moon it its wake. The night was beautiful. There were little clouds, and they could see the constellations. The moon was almost full, and the trees were hiding a castle where they will be soon sorted out. When they turned around the trees, they saw a big hill, and on that hill, there was a magnificent castle. It was big, and full of light. Every window it had, was as bright as a day. You could hear the little ohhs and wows, the new students were in awe. ,,Welcome to Hogwarts, the school of Witchcraft and Wizardly." Mark Webber said.
They got out of their boats and Mark Webber escorted them inside. They all looked around the big, enormous even, corridors that they walked through. Eventually, they stopped. ,,Alright kiddos, wait here. The sorting ceremony will be starting soon. Alonso will came for you." Mark said and then he left.

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