Chapter 1 (Book 1)

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The Bianchis, living in a big house in a secure neighborhood, are nice, normal family. Jules works in Formula 1, as a race engineer, which pays good money. So, it's only natural that they own the biggest, nicest house. What is surprising, however, is that they don't brag about it. Many of their neighbors would, probably, but the kind Bianchis don't. Maybe they are a bit weird, then, but that doesn't change the fact that they are liked, if not loved, in the small community.
They've been living in that house for some time now. ,,They have moved here after their honeymoon, I remember that it was sunny outside, and I was gardening." Said Mrs. Shinoda, their neighbor. ,,They came up to me with smiles and they introduced themselves." She smiled and closed the eyes. ,,They were so polite, helping us when winter came." Mr. Shinoda said, after a while. ,,Oh, yes. You were injured that winter and Jules woke up extra early just to shovel our driveway." He didn't even accept any money!" He added. ,,I wonder why they are living here, sometimes." He admitted.
,,Oh?" ,,Well," he took a sip of his water. ,,Jules makes good money. He could probably buy apartment in the center of Monte Carlo, yet they are living in this quiet neighborhood." She laughed. ,,It's the Bianchis, of course they live here." She said it, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. ,,They are too nice, humble for the center of this city. And they have a young son." ,,True. That is why we all love them so much." Mr. Shinoda smiled.
Camille was a thin, blonde woman in her 20s, with warm smile, good style, and love for gardening, which bonded her and Mrs. Shinoda. Jules was a tall, well-build man, who worked for Scuderia Ferrari, making him travel often. This lovely pair had a 2-year-old son, Lorenzo, possibly the sweetest kid ever (at least according to Mrs. Shinoda).
It was a lovely Monday afternoon, just after British Grand Prix, Camille and Lorenzo waiting for Jules to come back home. Camille has just finished lunch and was feeding the young Lorenzo. ,,Here goes the airplane!" she said while moving the spoon to his mouth. He opened it and licked the food from it. Lorenzo seemed interested in the food enough to eat it without any fuss.
Later, Camille was outside watering the flowers. She was enjoying the peace and quiet. After finishing watering the tulips, she moved onto their bushes, and the tree next to them. Her gaze fell upon a small animal. ,,Is that a hedgehog?" she thought, and she leaned just a little bit, just to get a better look at it. It was, indeed, a hedgehog, and it was staring at her. She straightened and watered the bushes, careful enough not to water the small animal, which has not moved much, to her surprise. ,,I suppose that it is scared." She shrugged and went inside, not thinking about it again, and preparing food for Jules.
The hedgehog then moved, travelling all the way from the garden to the front of the house, but Camille didn't see it move. When she went to open door, so she could welcome Jules in their driveway, she spotted it again. It was near the small flowers she planted last year. She would have given it more attention, however, she heard a familiar sound and looked up.
A Ferrari was backing into their driveway. She smiled and waved, and when Jules stepped out of the car, she greeted him. ,,Hello, chéri." He smiled and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. ,,Hello, mon amour." She smiled back at him. ,,How was your weekend?" he asked, opening the door. ,,Good, Lorenzo...." They closed the door, and if the hedgehog was listening on them, it wouldn't be able to hear them no more. Wouldn't that be cute, to have a small animal care like that.
After dinner, they all went to sleep. Jules helped Camille with Lorenzo, who was not so eager to go to his bed. After a fight, Lorenzo went to sleep. Camille and Jules went on to do their night routines before they cuddled in bed and doze off.
It was dark. Pitch dark, probably after midnight. The streets were quiet, the only sources of light being the streetlamps. No one was out, not at this hour, they all had work in the morning. Wind was gently blowing, the moon was shining, although partially hidden by a cloud. Not a single light in a single house was on. What a peaceful night.
Peaceful nights often turn into something, though. They do not stay peaceful; something interrupts them and breaks the peace. The little hedgehog was still near the flowers, but it wasn't feeding or travelling or doing whatever hedgehogs do at night. No, no, it was staring at the man who suddenly appeared to be walking down the road. He was mostly dressed in red clothing, wearing a plain black t-shirt with a red vest, red bowtie, red boots and black jeans. He wore glasses and his hair was kind of wild and free. He was older, yes, but he looked fit.
Out of nowhere, he pulled out a lighter. You would think that this man was just taking a late-night stroll and having a cigarette. He just clicked it and a light disappeared from one of the lamps. He repeated the motion until one last lamp was still on - the nearest to the house on Private 17. His gaze sliped to the flowers planted in the driveway, and then he sees the hedgehog.
,,I should have known that you would be here." He spoke to the animal, smiling. The hedgehog comes closer, but it was not a hedgehog, that was a man standing in front of the other. He was smaller, and he was wearing a lot of red and gold. ,,Hello, Vasseur." The taller man greeted. ,,Good evening, Binotto. How did you know that it was me?" ,,Please, I've known you for years. I know that you can transfigure into a hedgehog." ,,Of course, you seem to know everything." Vasseur huffed and rolled his eyes. Binotto smiled and opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it. ,,What's wrong?" Vasseur asked, worried. ,,Somebody is here." Binotto whispered. There was a sound of a bird clapping it's wings, and then there was a younger man standing close to them.
,,Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." The bird-man said. He was taller than Vasseur and had a brown beard. His voice had a Spanish accent. ,,Alonso." Vasseur said. ,,I... why are you here?" he asked. ,,I overheard the news, Vasseur." He turned to Binotto. ,,Please don't tell me that they are true." He whispered, pleading. ,,I'm afraid that what you heard is true." He answered, eyes sad. ,,So... so Pascale and Hervé... they.. they are...?" ,,Sadly, yes." Vasseur confirmed. ,,Oh my... they were so young..." Alonso went pale. ,,The children. What about them?" he asked, looking up from to ground to Binotto. ,,Charles is on his way here." ,,He's- he is what?" Alonso choked out. ,,Webber is with him. He is bringing him here." ,,Webber? Why him?" Vasseur asked, as if it was the most illogical, unsafe thing to do. ,,I trust him." Binotto simply answered, his tone, however, left no place for discussion. ,,And Arthur?" Alonso asked, voice quiet. ,,He will be not staying here." ,,They... won't be together? Why?" Alonso asks. ,,We don't want to force two kids onto the Bianchis." Vasseur answered. ,,So, you are separating the children, who... who just lost their parents?" Alonso half-whispers, half-screams. ,,Calm down. We thought this over. We are doing what is best for them, Alonso." Binotto said, his tone scolding the Spaniard. Alonso averted his gaze to the pavement.
Before any of them could add to the conversation, they've heard a noise, coming from the sky. It sounded like an engine. Then they could see it. A car was flying to them. It was much closer than the expected. It landed safely, near them. The door opened, and out stepped a tall man. ,,Mark." Alonso smiled. ,,Nano?" The man seemed confused. ,,You are here too?" Alonso nodded. ,,I've heard the news and rushed here." Mark stepped closer. ,,C'mere." He said and hugged the smaller man. Alonso melted into the arms and sobbed. ,,Is he all right?" he asked when they pulled off. ,,Yes. He fell asleep." Mark smiled. ,,Go get him." Binotto said. ,,Need any help?" Alonso asks. ,,No, thank you, Fernando."
Mark opens the door and picks up a baby. He holds it gently, his eyes not leaving it. Somehow, he closes the door on his car. ,,What do we now?" Vasseur asks. ,,We should get him ready." Binotto answers. He takes Charles out of Webbers hands and caries him over to the door. He places him there. Then he pats his pockets, as if he's searching for something. He finally pulls out a letter. He places it in the basket with Charles, who is still sleeping.
,,What will happen to him now?" Webber asks. ,,He will live here, unaware that he is a legend. Unaware that he won against Voldemort." Binotto answers. ,,So... He is dead? The-One-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named is... dead?" Vasseur asks. ,,I think so. Yes." Binotto answers, then he changes the topic. ,,Charles will grow up, surrounded by muggles. And when the day comes, he will learn of the magic world, where he will learn that he is Il Predestinato. He will study at Hogwarts and possibly become on of the greatest wizards in history." ,,He is so young." Alonso says. ,,He indeed is." Webber places his hand around Alonso's waist and pulls him closer. ,,He will be okay."
,,We should leave." Vasseur says after a while of quiet. ,,Yes. Yes we should." Binotto agrees. ,,Goodnight." Vasseur says and disappears into the thin air. ,,Goodbye. You should celebrate. Voldemort is dead. We are safe." Binotto said and before they had a chance to say something, he left. ,,We should wake them up." Alonso said suddenly. ,,Good idea. Do you think that they would've just let him be here all night?" Webber asks. ,,Possibly." Alonso nodded. He pulled out his wand and he motioned with it, to the doorbell. ,,It will ring in about three minutes." He informs Webber. ,,Okay. We should go. Wanna ride with me?" he asks. Alonso smiles at him. ,,Yes, of course." They get into the car and Webber starts the engine. Alonso looks back at the baby one more time. ,,Good luck, Charles Leclerc."
Camille stirred. Something was ringing their doorbell at ,,2am?" she whispers. ,,Jules, wake up." She gently shakes the man. ,,Wha- what's wrong?" he asks, but then he hears it. ,,Someone at the door? At this hour?" he blinks in confusion. ,,We should go check it out, in case it is something important." She says. Jules nods and stands up, following his wife downstairs. They open the door, but no one is there. Jules' gaze fells onto the basket. ,,A baby." He barely whispers. He turns to his wife, who looks shocked and scared. Jules steps outside, to look for someone, or at least a trace of why a child is there, an infant, at their door at this ungodly hour. ,,No one, I don't see anybody." He shakes his head. Camille has picked up the basket with the child.
,,Jules..." she says. ,,The child... he looks like Pascale's son..." she says, her voice cracking. ,,Pascale's and Hervé's? No, no... we saw them few days ago,... and the other one, Arthur is not here... it can't be..." Jules argues quietly. Camille looks at the child in her arms again. ..There's a note." She mentions, nodding towards the small piece of paper. Jules picks it up. ,,This looks...official." He sighs. He opens the letter.

Mr. and Mrs. Bianchi,
We extend our deepest apologies for the disruption to your peaceful night and the sudden arrival of young Charles Leclerc at your doorstep. It is with heavy hearts that we inform you of the tragic passing of his parents, Pascalle and Hervé Leclerc, due to an attack by Voldemort. No need to worry of him, though he died tonight as well.
We understand the shock and confusion you must be experiencing, but please know that Charles is safe in your care. As the only muggles who were acquainted with the Leclerc family, we trust in your kindness and compassion to provide him with the love and support he needs during this difficult time.
In order to assist you in this unexpected journey, we have arranged for all necessary provisions and legal documents to ensure Charles's well-being and security. Should you require any additional support or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
We are deeply grateful for your cooperation and willingness to take on this responsibility. Know that you are not alone in this endeavor, and that we are here to offer our guidance and support every step of the way.
With warm regards,
Mattia Binotto Headmaster of Hogwarts
Frédéric Vasseur Head of Gryffindor House

,,Jules-" Camille cried out. ,,They... they died..." she sobs. ,,I... I know." He whispers. ,,Their kids- Jules the kids are separated!" she cries. ,,We- we need to think about it. Voldemort attacked them, but he died? Are we safe?" He questions. ,,I don't know." She says, her gaze slips towards the little child still peacefully sleeping in the basket. ,,He- he has a scar..." she whispers. Jules looks at Charles' forehead, a scar in the shape of a bolt there. ,,That is unusual. Do you think that it is some magical scar?" he asks. She nods. ,,What do we do now?" she asks. ,,I think that we should care for him. For Pascalle and Hervé." He says, his voice breaking at the mention of his friends. ,,For Pascalle and Hervé." She nods.

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