Chapter 2 (Book 2)

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It was the umpteenth time that Logan went through his list. The clothes he had to take, in case of every weather, the books and school supplies, because he wouldn't be caught dead missing something important. He made sure that his stuff, like some fidget spinners, was packed too, just to-just to make sure.
When he wasn't pacing around the room like a caged animal, he was scanning the list, looking at the words, trying to think of anything else he might need. The now crumpled piece of paper was in his slightly sweaty hands as the boy checked it for one last time. He was getting tired, and he knew that he had to sleep-his father had told him so two hours ago. Sighing, he packed the list into his backpack and lay down.
He still had his phone in his hands, his fingers hovering over his and Oscar's chat. He didn't want to bother, but... the anxiety had him in a tight grip. After what seemed like an eternity and also a second, he clicked on it and started typing.

You up?

He deleted that message, trying to retype it.

Oscar, are you awake?
We're meeting tmr right?

He actually hit send and stared at the screen, even though there was a possibility that his friend was already sleeping. He waited for a few minutes, and after some time, he saw Oscar's profile turning online. Then, the little grey marks turned blue, and a typing bubble appeared on Oscar's corner of the screen.

Yeah, but I will go to sleep soon.
And yes. You are coming over tomorrow.

Logan let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Some of the dark, tight feeling went away almost instantly, but a good part of it was still there, lurking around his mind. When he realized that he hadn't answered Oscar's question yet, he quickly started typing.

Jusr a little stwss
Don't worry.

Then he saw that he had a typo-so he corrected it-
I cannot type :(

Oscar started typing immediately, unlike Logan.

You and I should go to sleep.
I will see you tomorrow, Lo.

Logan smiled. Yeah, he would see him tomorrow.

Yeah lol
Goodnight Osc.

Goodnight Lo.

And with that, Logan put his phone on his charger and tried to go to sleep. He was feeling both restless and tired, his mind not succumbing to sleep until the already late hour turned darker. Eventually, his body complied, and he fell asleep.
Although he had fallen asleep, his mind was still feeling stressed. He found himself in a school-but it looked weird-it wasn't living up to his father's name, always falling off his broom, or getting hit by the Bludger, or simply-not being enough. He always tried and tried, sometimes it was almost within reach, but sometimes, he failed the worst.
He woke up with a sharp gasp, his heart pounding rapidly in his chest, as if it were trying to break out and escape the nightmare. He was sweaty, feeling his shirt clinging to him from behind, and could feel the beads of sweat sliding down his neck. He shuddered, trying to forget the nightmare. He glanced at the clock and cursed-it was 1:33, the dark night still at its peak.
He wondered, briefly, what he could do instead of sleeping, but his tired mind came up with only two things: check his list once fucking again, or text Oscar, who should be sleeping. He groaned and slowly reached for his phone anyway, just to check. He winced at its artificial light, almost blinding him in the dark of his room. He unlocked it, glaring at it the whole time.
His WhatsApp was already open, but his chat with Oscar wasn't. Logan blinked at the screen. Their chat wasn't even in his recent ones-in fact, when he scrolled through the list, he still didn't see it. He read through it again, but he still didn't see it. "What the fuck," he muttered. Had Oscar blocked him? His traitorous mind asked. No. Osc wouldn't do that. He shook his head and opened his blocked chats. He didn't have anyone there before, so when the number showing was 1 instead of 0, he knew something was up. He opened it, and there was Oscar's contact. He unblocked him, because what the fuck? and set the phone down. Thankfully, their old messages weren't deleted. "Did I do that in my sleep?" Logan asked himself. It wasn't like him to somehow block someone on WhatsApp, but I guess there's a first time for everything.
He was just about to lay back in his bed, to sleep at least those few measly hours, but before he could, there was a tap on his leg. "Do not," a voice warned him. Logan moved his leg closer to him, his breath becoming faster. "What?" he asked, looking around his room. "Don't go to Hogwarts," the voice warned him, seemingly coming from a shadow that had formed by his leg-it started to appear as a small creature. "W-why not?" Logan mustered all his courage and asked, staring the shadowy creature right in its eyes-if they were there, that is.
"For your own safety," the creature replied, its voice and tone much softer than before. The shadow slowly disappeared from its figure, revealing a small elf by his side. It had big, pleading eyes, looking at him sadly. "What's wrong with my safety?" he asked, some of his nerves easing. This was perhaps a hallucination, caused by his lack of sleep. The elf, a small, cute creature, looked at him pleadingly once again. "There is a threat to your safety-to your life even!" the elf cried, still looking at Logan sadly. The color drained from his face slowly. "My life?" he asked. "Why would I be in danger?" Logan asked, because why would he be in danger? He wasn't that special. He even told the elf so. "The prophecy!" the elf stated. "It said that you were in danger-you may even lose your life!" the elf tried convincing him again.
Logan was slowly starting to think that the elf was there for shits and giggles. "What prophecy? Why is there a prophecy? About me?" Logan asked, pushing the elf further. The poor thing glanced around the room, looking desperate. "Tonight, my master's parents, they-they told each other about the stars." The elf started talking slowly, as to not mess up his words. "The prophecy was kind of blurry, I wasn't so sure-but one thing was clear, it was about you." The elf explained. "How are you so sure?" the boy asked, because there was no fucking way the prophecy was about him, surely. "It mentions speed-and you're the son of Jenson Button! He is the best Seeker in the whole of England! The prophecy mentions speed, it could be you. Plus, my-my magic, it screams at me-it tells me it's you the prophecy is talking about. It is a-you people call it an instinct." The elf mumbled and stammered. Logan had a doubtful look on his face-really, for all he knew, the prophecy could be about Leclerc-he had heard from Oscar about him saving the school last year after all. And that made much, much more sense.
"How does the prophecy go?" Logan asked instead, not wanting to sound rude. The elf nodded very eagerly and summoned a piece of parchment. Then he looked at Logan, who gave him a small nod. The elf dramatically took a deep breath and started reading:

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