Chapter 2: 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭

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Silence enveloped the entire room as Sunghoon made his entrance, eliciting nods of respect from the CEOs and directors present.

As he approached a seat, Sunoo's voice sliced through the quiet atmosphere.

"You're late," he stated, his chair facing away from Sunghoon towards the presentation.

A hush fell over the room at Sunoo's pointed remark, all eyes turning towards Sunghoon to see his reaction.

To their surprise, Sunghoon greeted the accusation with a smirk. "My apologies for the delay. I happened to encounter an angel on my way here," he quipped, his tone dripping with amusement.

Sunoo halted the swing of his chair, pivoting to face Sunghoon, who maintained his smug expression.

"And who might you be?" Sunoo inquired, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

Sunghoon theatrically gasped, feigning offense. "How unprofessional of you, angel, not to recognize your future partner," he retorted, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

"Future partner?" Sunoo echoed, confusion evident in his tone.

"Never took you for a goldfish memory person, did I? It's about our contract together, angel," Sunghoon clarified, taking his seat at the head of the table.

Sunoo's glare intensified, but he remained silent, acknowledging the truth in Sunghoon's words. He signaled for Jungwon to pass him the tablet containing Sunghoon's information.

After a brief scan, Sunoo's smirk mirrored Sunghoon's as he observed his counterpart playing with his pen.

"Really, Mr. Park, from 'marshal' to illegal business, and now CEO, No wonder you bark so much," Sunoo remarked with a smirk, closing the tab on his hand containing information about the person now seated before him , Park Sunghoon is now gaining like a devil, a sight that filled him with frustration more than anything else.


As the Presentation ends it was only sunghoon and Sunoo left with their secretary

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As the Presentation ends it was only sunghoon and Sunoo left with their secretary.

Sunoo looks at Sunghoon waiting for him to speak first but it seems like the elder has no intention of speaking other than staring at him.

Finally, Sunoo couldn't bear the tension any longer. "So, Mr. Park-"

"Yes, angel?" Sunghoon interjected smoothly, his tone laced with mockery.

Sunoo bristled at the nickname, his frustration boiling over. "For fuck's sake, can you stop calling me that? It's Kim Sunoo, my name." he snapped, his voice tinged with irritation.

"As you wish, angel," Sunghoon replied, his smirk widening.

Jungwon couldn't help but whisper to Jay who was standing beside him. "Does your boss have a screw loose in his head?"

Jay rubbed his temples wearily. "Don't even ask."

As Sunoo and Sunghoon engaged in their verbal sparring match, Sunoo couldn't resist a cutting remark.

"Seems like you really need to get your eyes tested. Are you perhaps blind, Mr. Park?"

Sunghoon's response was both unexpected and inappropriate. "Oh, of course not, angel. I can clearly see your desirable and fuckable body from here, which is making me quite... aroused," he retorted with a lascivious undertone, leaving Sunoo and their secretaries stunned into silence.

" Another useless shit coming from that foul mouth of your asshole . This time, I won't hesitate to shoot at your head." Sunoo retorted sharply, his words dripping with venom.

Sunghoon act a gesture of fear, momentarily pausing his mouth.

With a piercing glare, Sunoo directed his secretary. "Bring the files here, Yang."

"Yes, sir," Jungwon responded promptly, swiftly delivering the requested files and data clip.

Sunoo fixed his gaze on Sunghoon as he began to explain the intricacies of their shared entertainment company holdings. After the explanation, Sunoo passed all the files to Sunghoon, who had adopted a more serious demeanor, meticulously reviewing each document.

"Why do you believe we should finalize this deal?" Sunghoon inquired, prompting Sunoo to consider the proposal's merits.

Sunoo proceeded to elaborate on the significant profits Park Entertainment stood to gain from the collaboration.

"Alright, Jay, bring our contract papers," Sunghoon instructed.

As Jay handed over the contract to Sunghoon, the latter meticulously scanned each page. "Did you include the amendments I requested last time?" Sunghoon questioned.

"Yes, I did," Jay confirmed, eliciting a nod of approval from Sunghoon.

"Here, angel, read carefully before signing," Sunghoon remarked, causing Sunoo lost the hopes of making him stop to call him angel.

"What the hell? Why do you get 65% of this project going to Park entertainment? It was supposed to be 50/50," Sunoo exclaimed, his frustration evident.

"Well, not anymore. You get the best platform for this project and for one year, so that's why 15 percent more profit goes to Park Entertainment," Sunghoon explained nonchalantly.

"Then I don't want to do this deal anymore," Sunoo declared firmly, placing down his pen.

"What can we do, angel? It's your loss. Remember, this is the biggest platform in Korea, and your grandfather needs this platform more than anyone. I think if it were him, he would have agreed already," Sunghoon retorted, his tone edged with persuasion.

Sunoo clenched his pen tightly, torn between his need for the platform and his frustration over the unequal terms. After a moment of internal struggle, he let out a heavy sigh, finally coming to a decision.

"Okay, Mr. Park, I'm taking this deal."

Sunghoon watched Sunoo with predatory eyes as Sunoo signed the contract, his expression was something unpredictable as he collected the paper bearing Sunoo's signature.

"Well done, good that you are using that omega brain of yours. Congratulations, angel," Sunghoon taunted, his gaze lingering on Sunoo with a predatory intensity.

Sunoo's jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with suppressed anger as he locked gazes with Sunghoon. "It's not omega," he retorted through gritted teeth.

"Nor alpha either," Sunghoon remarked, his smirk widening at Sunoo's reaction.

If looks could kill, Sunghoon would have been dead on the spot. Sensing Sunoo's tension, Jungwon placed a comforting hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

Sunghoon's attention shifted to Jungwon, briefly acknowledging his presence before standing up. "Hope to see you more in the future, partner," he said with a sly grin.

"I hope not," Sunoo replied curtly, his disdain evident in his tone as he watched Sunghoon depart.

To be continued...

I'm sorry if This story is getting boring.

Thanks for reading.

Don't worry it's me , I'm just being humble because I think it's getting boring.


Bye bye pretties 🫂

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