Chapter 5- 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Sunoo sat at a sleek, polished bar table adorned with exquisite floral arrangements, surrounded by the elite guests attending his sister's wedding.

The venue exuded opulence, with sparkling chandeliers casting a warm glow over the lavish décor. Despite the luxurious surroundings, Sunoo's mood was far from celebratory. He nursed a glass of vintage wine, swirling it absently as he brooded in silence.

The fever that had plagued him all day intensified, mingling with the heat of his impending representation.

Beads of sweat formed on his brow, and a flush of discomfort spread across his skin, making him acutely aware of his own physical distress. Sunoo's irritation mounted with each passing moment, exacerbated by the stifling heat and his growing impatience.

In the midst of his vexation, Jungwon's call broke through the haze of his thoughts. Sunoo's fingers tightened around the stem of his wine glass as he answered, his voice strained with irritation and fatigue.

"I'm heading to Jaeyun's office to bring your medicine," Jungwon's voice echoed through the receiver, drawing Sunoo's attention away from his turbulent thoughts. "It might take some time. Will you be fine by then?"

Sunoo's jaw clenched as he fought to maintain composure. The relentless ache in his body only served to fuel his frustration. "I can manage for an hour," he replied tersely, the words laced with tension.

"I'll be there soon," Jungwon assured him, his voice a calming presence amidst the chaos of Sunoo's inner turmoil.

As the call ended, Sunoo exhaled a weary sigh, his resolve wavering under the weight of his discomfort.

The relentless heat and his fevered state threatened to overwhelm him, but he pushed aside his distress, determined to endure until Jungwon arrived with the much-needed relief.

He takes a sip of his drink, relishing the smooth taste as he engages in conversation with a few guests nearby. Suddenly, he notices his step-siblings standing behind him, their disdain evident in their expressions.

Turning slightly to glance at them, Sunoo maintains his composure before facing forward again. However, his step-sister's scathing remark cuts through the air.

"Ugh! I can smell someone non-represented in front of me," she sneers, exaggerating by covering her nose with her hand.

Her brother chimes in, adding, "This place needs to rid itself of those kinds of people."

Sunoo feels a pang of hurt at their words, but he doesn't let it show. Instead, he turns back to face them with a faint smile. "Yeah, and non true-blooded should be wiped out of this earth," he retorts, taking another sip of his drink.

His step-brother's smirk falters as Sunoo continues, "Oh, wait? Who? Do you even know what you are?"

"Probably an unidentified human being," his step-sister quips, and they share a laugh at his expense.

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