Chapter 3 - 𝐏𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐞

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As Sunghoon sauntered out of the room, his smirk lingering like a haunting echo, Sunoo took a deep breath to steady himself, only to recoil in disgust.


A dominating alpha's pheromone.

The same scent he had detected in the car.

Sunoo's eyes widened in realization.

"That fucking bastard," he muttered under his breath.

Suddenly, a wave of dizziness washed over him, his legs threatening to give way beneath him. He reached out, grasping the edge of the table for support, and Jungwon rushed to his side.

"Are you okay, Sir?" Jungwon inquired, concern evident in his voice.

Sunoo knew exactly what Sunghoon had done, and the rage boiled within him, threatening to consume him. He attempted to take another breath, but the overpowering presence of the dominating pheromone made it difficult.

He had encountered numerous alpha pheromone before, even the most unpleasant and nastiest ones, but this one was different.


It sent shivers down his spine and made every nerve in his body tremble.

"Jungwon, I think something is seriously wrong," Sunoo admitted, his voice laced with apprehension.

"Jungwon, I think something is seriously wrong," Sunoo admitted, his voice laced with apprehension

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As Sunghoon settled into the car, his smirk refused to fade.

Gazing out of the window, he couldn't shake the image of Sunoo's face from his mind, nor the signed contract in his hand.

"Jay," Sunghoon called out, his voice cutting through the silence of the car interior.

"Yes?" Jay responded, his attention immediately focused on Sunghoon.

"I want to know everything about him. Every detail, every aspect," Sunghoon demanded, his tone firm and determined.

Jay glanced at Sunghoon through the car mirror, noticing the seriousness in his expression as he stared out the window. Even though Sunghoon usually keeps his thoughts hidden, Jay could tell something was different this time.

He could see that Sunghoon was determined to learn everything about, Kim Sunoo.

Jay understood that when Sunghoon decides to go after something, he doesn't give up easily.

He hasn't seen Sunghoon in those years to take any interest in any of their competitiveness.

This time, Sunghoon seemed ready to do whatever it takes to come out on top, no matter what.

"Kim has gotten himself involved in something dangerous," Jay thought to himself, knowing Sunghoon's relentless nature all too well.

For when it came to Sunghoon, he never backed down until the other party was left kneeling.

𝗩𝗲𝗻𝗼𝗺𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 || Sunsun ||Omegaverse [M]Where stories live. Discover now