Chapter 4. Phenomenon

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"Congressman's Min's only son is here ?"

"Yes.. i.. i remember him from the last dinner event you attended with congressman Min's family.. and the boy.. he's waiting in my office right now, with few of his friends"

Standing up from his desks, fixing his ruined tie, made the man, known as the current chairman of the hospital.. sigh

"He shouldnt be here, just.. but it could be that he's hurt ? Is he hurt ?!"

"No sir.. he seems all fine, i didnt see him contracting the same signs that most people are facing right now, with this current phenomenon" said the chief doctor, as the chairman sighed again in relief

"Bring him here" he said, sitting at the couch

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Countless people lying down on the floor accompanied by their loved ones, screaming in displeasure and uncomfortable feeling as some even keep scratching Their throats due to god knows why

"It's a mess out there" Namjoon, the taller one said as he peeked from inside the office

"They're in pain.. but Song Min ji seems better than them, she isn't conscious or screaming, she seems to just be having a fever"

"An enormously endangering fever" tae said after the rich boy

The girl lays on the sofa sweating and sobbing but seemingly passed out, while all her body felt like boiling water

"This is weird.. Tae.. like weird.. weird.. i feel like this isnt just a mere disease.. it could be another covid stuff.."

"Wait.. wait dont say that, we could get contracted if it is" yoongi said, backing out as he took a few step away from the couch

Just before Taehyung could calm the two down, the door to the office opened, revealing the previous man, claiming to be the chief doctor

"Sorry about the wait.. Min Yoongi-shi.. the chairman asked for you to come meet him, if you may follow me"

"Ah.. i uh i just need for a help regarding my friend here.. thats all, im not here to have a talk with him at all, i know he must be busy" the rich boy said, pointing to Min ji

The chief looked at the girl for a second before smiling with a nod

"I shall have one of my personel have a look at her and your friends, you can be reasured, and follow me for now" he lift his hand towards the door, opening it for Yoongi

"Its okay, Yoongi-ah, just go, we'll wait for you" Tae said, nodding

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"Yes sir, my personel confirmed he seems all fine, but i will check him for you to be sure"

"No you dont have to worry, my best man will be here to check on him"

"Of course sir, Daeil medical would never dissapoint you nor your family, i shall inform you later.."

"Yes.. ahh i see yes i shall tell him" the man said as he hung up, right as the chief brought Min Yoongi inside

"Man-sik ahjushi.. im so sorry for disturbing yo-

"Aihh what Ahjushi, i told you you can call me Samchoon (uncle), we're like family already by now" Jang Man-sik laughed as he sat down, implying for Yoongi to follow the same

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