Chapter 9. Distraction

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(P L A Y   T H E   S O N G)

"there's a bunch of them out there..." i muttered as i peek from the window to the hallway

Park Ji-hye gasped when she noticed some of her friends from 204.. walking aimlessly with blood all over their body...

though.. thankfully, before she made any noise.. Song Taesun managed to shush and pulled her away from the window

"how do we get out of here ?... those things multiplied by a fold after they bit most of class 204.." Yoongi asked me

".... there's no way we can get pass through them.. and i do think it's best to just stay here for now.. also..the girls wont be safe outside"

i sighed when Lee Seojun voiced his opinion

"then they will stay here.. i only need like 3 people to come along with me"

"... i'll go" Song Taesun stood up, while i see how Kang Haneul just looked away from me in guilt

".. no.. Taesun-ah" Myun-hee held her brother's shirt, asking him to sit back down

"Myun-hee-ah, you can stay here and wait.. okay ? keep the phone with you at all time, just incase mom and dad call for us" he assured her

i looked at Yoongi, as he sighed while walking to me

" i mean..... maybe we'll get a better signal in the biology room.. so okay.. i'll come along" the guy nodded

"i-i'll go too !" Yura stood along when she heard Yoongi

"yura, no you stay here, you cant go, it would be better for you to be here with the girls" Lee Seojun walked forward and stopped when he reached my side

"i'll go.." he volunteered

how heroic... i rolled my eyes


So i have 3 guys with me now...


"Song Taesun" i looked at the guy

"you stay here and look over the girls instead.. and make sure the barricade stay still.. and that no one make a lot of noise.. i mean..we need.." i walked to his side

"we need.. someone to watch.. her" i said to him, leaving only myun-hee to notice my words

"o-oh Taehyung-ah ... as for me.. you know how i-i cant keep quiet right ? like im sure, i'd be screaming and attracting those zombies if i come along" Kang Haneul cowered as he looked at me

but i ignored him and just stared at Taesun

"you understand me right ?" i confirmed with him, and the guy nodd along in an understanding gaze, whilst stealing glances at Geum Si-an, sitting by the corner

"then.. Taesun will be staying with us ?" his sister ask me

"i have no choice Song Myun-hee"

"we need someone to guard the door.. and honestly, im not being a sexist or anything.. but it would be much safer in my opinion to have at least a man in the class, guarding the ladies" i assured them, while i see Park Ji-hye's nodding along

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