Chapter 10. Divided

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(P L A Y   T H E   S O N G)

"okay lets go" Seojun opened the classroom door in a haste as he looked right, watching the halls that lead to the southern staircase towards the first grader downstairs

"Make it quick Joon" Yoongi followed, closing the glassdoor to the left side of the hallway, whilst taking a look towards the direction those 'zombies' had chased taehyung to

Song Taesun on the other hand closed the classroom door as he watched from inside, his hands tightly gripped on the sliding door, preparing for sure, just incase the 3 boys would need to run back inside soon

"oh god oh god please" Kim Namjoon muttered as he shakily tried the keys one by one

"i dont see any zombies over here, how's the other side ? they're still chasing after him ?" Lee Seojun asked as he still warily watched the distant staircase

"it's quite a long way to go to reach the visual com, and i cant see Tae, all i see are those things chasing after him"

".... im sure he'll make it Min Yoongi.. so just focus on our task for now" the other guy said, still facing the southern staircase

 so just focus on our task for now" the other guy said, still facing the southern staircase

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"Jihoon-ah.. did you see anyone ?" Dongsoo asked his classmate as he hold the sliding door

"no.. nothing at all so far, and i dont see any of those infected either, which is so weird" he muttered, taking a peek from the window carefully

"hah.. it's.. impossible.. there's gotta be a lot of them, by the stairs.."

"oi.. Tae-hee-ah you.. you okay ?" the guy asked as he looked at the one girl sitting in the corner

"y-yeah.. im.. im fine" she nodds

"are you hurt ?"

the girl just shook her head left to right as she trembled in fear

"we should leave.. Dongsoo-yah, we can make a run for it" Jihoon said

"run ? the stairs are filled with the infected, i mean, im pretty sure most surviving people are all barricading in most classroom or something for safety !"

"but we should leave the school ! im worried about my parents !"

"you think i dont ?! i have a brother in the first grade ! and i dont even know what happened to him !"

"fuck ! if only i had my phone with me, i could have called him" he cursed

Jihoon felt hopeless listening to his friend, and he sighed as he looked back up to the window

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