Chapter 3. Hospital

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When they climbed up the car, Taehyung was tending the girl, having her laying down as her head rest on Tae's lap

While Namjoon sat on the front seat beside Yoongi, hasting to start the car

But then Namjoon said it

" What about.. those people ? Arent we gonna help them ? "

He asked, looking worried

Yoongi seems a bit distraught, thinking the same symptoms those three showed

2 man and 1 girl, abnormal body temperature, burning up like a fever, and short of breath like asthma

" I get what the two of you are thinking, but my priority sticks with Song Minji "

" You think this car would fit for more people ? Its a 5 seat car, we're packed "

" We're not heroes "

Hearing that, Yoongi wiped his sweats, continuing to drive off the front parking lot

Namjoon, felt awkward enough, he opened the window, letting fresh air breeze through his face

Also to let it cool Minji down

" Is.. is she okay ? " The taller man asked, looking at the girl's condition

" Still burning, and out of breath "

" What could this be ? Panic attack ? Is she having a seizure ? " Yoongi asked

" Panic attack ? Mass panic attack ? With 3 people at the same time ? "

" I dont think so "

" But this is weird.. Tae.. when you asked her to go out with me- "

" She was fine, and thats just today, earlier the day "

" Things are more to it than we know then, but for now, lets get to the hospital first.. or things might go bad.. "

" Go.. bad ? " Namjoon asked, responding to what Taehyung said

The lad sighed at that

" If anything is to happen to her.. who do you think.. will take the blame ? "


" I asked her to go out with you, and you were there with her tonight.. also both me and yoongi were spying on you guys "

" She passed out, and are on the way to the hospital, who.. would take the blame ? "

" But.. we didnt do anyth- "

" Exactly my point. But do you know another point you missed ? "

" ... We're highschoolers.. if her parents complained, we'll be in trouble "

" Last time you got a warning from school because you tore Han Daeri's skirt on your date "

" Thats.. well.. its accident "

" It is.. but did the school believed when her parents complained ? "

" Did the police believed when i went there and picked you up ? "

" Joon-ah you already got a warning once, and if anything is to happen to Minji.. "

" Then her parents protested.. i worry for the both of us to.. sigh.. moreover you.. you could be expelled "

Namjoon bites his lips at that, before shifted his gaze to Yoongi, worryingly

" What.. what about Yoongi ? "

" Aish.. he's just a tag along.. he got non- "

" Tae "

When Yoongi called his name, Taehyung shifted his gaze to him, only to gaze upfront the window pane

Namjoon, looking at the lad before, faced back upfront, repositioning his seat

When the bright light hit them from the window front pane of the car, they squinted their eyes

" This.. are we.. "

" Yeah.. we're at Daeil Hospital.. "

" ... Front lot.. "

The loud sound of people panicking, car stacked everywhere with lights on

And a mass of crowds trying to go inside..

Medic staff seems to be busy running around, carrying those who had passed out

Some cops sirene and ambulance could be heard, trying to leave the lot

From there, they could already see..

That they wont get the help they need here..

° ° °

" There.. There's got to be another hospital we could go to."

" Minji wont get her help here, its too packed "

" Right, the waitress did said another hospital, around here but its a bit far "

" Then we should go there, we'd be stuck here, there's lot of people even outside the building "

" Yoongi, lets go-

" No use, they're full too "

What Taehyung said, stopped the talk between the remaining two

And the man on the wheel frowned

" What do you mean ? "

Taehyung lifted up his phone, shoving it near the faces of his two friends

An article.. was shown

" Uploaded 15 minutes ago.. it seems.. almost all hospital here.. are full "

" Even if we go to another, we'd find the same thing "

" What ? Then, then if its around here, we can go to another one, we'll find it there's quite some hospital in Seoul "

" No, Yoongi, read it carefully.. it didnt say Seoul " the taller man said, fixing his glasses

Still distraught by the loud ambience outside, and the blinding lights, Yoongi squinted his eyes again, before sighing, as he looked back to the front, hands back in the wheel

And Taehyung reads it for him

" It said here.. a very uncommon phenomena happens, people all around had started to pass out, burning body temperature.. some even vomitting their insides out "

" In short.. all of those people, went to hospitals "

" And now, everyone's in chaos "

" Because every functioning hospital in Korea, is full "


Checking in Minji's pulse, as she seems to still be unconcious, Taehyung opened the cardoor

" Tae ? "

" Get down, let Yoongi park the car, the two of us will take Minji inside, we'll stay in line if we have to "

" Yoongi, go home, your dad will be mad if you stayed too late, both me and Namjoon will take care of this "

Namjoon looked back at the situation, the people stacking outside, some even passing out and sitting at the ground

But as Tae had wanted to lift the girl out, followed by Namjoon, Yoongi halt them

" i'll come along "

" For real ? "

" Yoongi, you sure ? Namjoon and i can do this, you dont have to worry "

" Im sure.. besides i might can get us some help.. my father is close with Daeil's hospital Chairman "

" I need to know what's wrong, because this isnt a normal phenomenon like what that article said "


" Something is clearly wrong "

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