Chapter 2. The Date

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" And that will be all " namjoon said as he closed the menu book

" Your food shall soon be delivered sir, do call for me again if you need anything else " the man said, serving as the waiter

With a nod, Namjoon smiled back to the date infront of him

The one girl who seems to be pretty  uncomfortable for a while

" Min ji-shi.. are you.. feeling allright ? "

" A-ah.. yes, i.. its just that, arent you feeing a bit too hot here ? "

The question raised a brow to Namjoon, as he saw how the girl's just wearing a mini skirt with a tank top to their date event, moreover the fact that they're having dinner at the balcony section of the restaurant

' is this.. a flirt ? ' he thought

' maybe she felt hot because of me '

The pervy thought kept Namjoon smiling, as he tried not to snot out of laughter

° ° °

" I think i know why he kept on losing chances with girl " taehyung spoke as he lowered the menu from covering his face

" I know, i mean just look at the way he's dressed, blue definitely didnt match him "

" Not that yoongi, i mean, just now did you see how he laughed like that ? Thats pretty rude when Min ji seems so uncomfortable.. somehow.. "

" Right.. why did that girl kept on fanning her self like that ? " The shorter one asked

It might have been summer, but its already night, and the wind breeze is cold, the girl wasnt even dressed heavily

" Maybe she's not feeling well ? "

" Im not sure.. i mean when i asked her about this, she seems pretty normal to me.. and even followed me to check namjoon out "

" Hmm.. well.. i guess we just watch then, should we eat first ? "

" ... I didnt bring any money.. "

Seeing how Taehyung looked at him, with a pitiful smile, Yoongi rolled his eyes with a sigh

" Fuck, i should've known.. "

Raising his hand as to call the waiter, his eyes switched to the menu

" Order up, but you're paying for the karaoke "

" My my.. you sure ? We dont know if namjoon's going to succeed or not "

" Yeah, well im not letting you go untouched, gotta pay me back no matter wh- ACHOO ! "

the sudden sneeze surprised everyone around them, including Namjoon who sat few tables away

" Shit ! " Taehyung cursed as he immediately covered himself with the menu

Yoongi immediately looked away, so that Namjoon wont see his face

" Dude you want to expose us ? "

" Sorry, i didnt mean to " they whispered

With another sneeze and a runny nose, he couldnt hold it

" Im gonna go to the restroom, you order my food, i want fried rice "

" Kimchi ? "

" Yeah, kimchi fried rice, out for a second " Yoongi said, standing up, just before the waitress come to their table

° ° °

" Shit.. "

Coming to the men's restroom, the rich boy found himself right infront of a mirror

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