Chapter 5. School

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(P L A Y   T H E   S O N G)

"The Clock's ticking Tae"

murmus filled the school when it was nearing 9AM.. yet the lessons has yet to even begin..

"the teachers arent even here.. i mean i passed by class 200, and they're also free, but class 204 beside us is learning" one of the guys came, smiling

"who's there to even teach for?.. like 20% of the school students didnt even come today.."

"lol.. i shouldn't have come too then.."

"but you all heard the news yesterday right ? i heard millions of people got sent to the hospital, some even died !"

"that's crazy.. it's like covid again.."

"right ? like i saw what happened, my aunt got the same illness, she's all hot and almost even took her clothes off.. her whole body was sweating and she was screaming in pain from time to time.."

"my mom took her to the hospital, but it was full, so she's being nursed at home right now"

"it's fevers ? if it's fever then things should go down.. like do you think it's like water poisoning ? it has to be water ? that can contract so many people at once"

"no no.. had to be another version of covid, im sure"

"dude.. no more covid i swear.. im sick of being sick.."

"omg.. this is scary.. my parents weren't at home yesterday, but they'll be back from Busan tomorrow.. they seem all fine at the phone.. but traffic has been going bad because of this.. like what if they contracted the same thing.. "

"dont worry Yura-yah.. oppa is here"

"backoff" they giggled on the joke

listening to his classmates talking, while seeing about nearing a quarter of the class's seats were empty.. left a weird feeling on Taehyung

"Tae.. this is crazy.. there's almost half of the school teachers missing, they're absent.. do you think...." Namjoon asked as he sees the boy nodding

"yeah....either they're at the hospital, taking care of a loved one.. or.. that they themselves got the same illness.."

"but this is crazy.. how are all these happening in the same day ? oh.. should we go to the hospital later today.. visit Min Ji?" Namjoon asked while Taehyung stared at the school gate below by the window

".. Yoongi came afterall" the tall guy muttered, seeing their rich friend walking towards the school building, after he came out from the passenger seat

"a bit late, but i honestly didnt think he would come-

namjoon's words were cut when Taehyung suddenly stood up abruptly, leaving the classroom

"Tae ?! where are you going ?! there's no teacher, but we're not allowed to roam the halls, you'll get in trouble if one of the adults sees you" Namjoon said before he reluctantly followed along

° ° °

"Tae, are you listening ? why are you in a hurry ?"

seeing his friend, franctically hop down the stairs, left Namjoon bewildered

they only stopped when Taehyung reached Yoongi, who's just changing his shoes to the indoor one

"Yoongi.. something isnt right.. i feel like somethings are up"

"huh ?"

"Tae ?"

seeing how both his friends seem confused by his words, Taehyung took a look arround, he looked right, left, and then back at his friends

"something isnt right.. i have this.. feelings.. i swear.. like.. like something"


"Yoongi do you know what he meant ?" Namjoon asked while the rich boy shook his head

"i called my hyung last night, and he answered me"

"he called his hyung ? that guy ? the one that.. Namjoonie ?"

"no dont look at me, i fell asleep fast last night after being scolded by my parents on the phone.. and.. and Tae!" he looked at Taehyung

"you said you weren't gonna call your hyung"

"no! fuck that's not the point.. my point.. my point was that he picked up ! he picked up the call"

"he never picked up my call.. you know that.. and-

"you three ! why arent you in class ?" said a teacher as he walked to them, it was their gym teacher

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