Chapter 3: out of gear

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It was the next day, I woke up went to the gym. I felt pretty good I haven't felt like this in a long time, ever since my mom died I haven't been in a good space I have been on multiple drugs, I drank nearly everyday I was a wreck but then I knew I had to pick myself up and put myself together otherwise i won't make her proud and yeah, I haven't given up drinking fully but I have learned to just take my time with it and not drink to much.

Going on this dinner with someone I have had a crush on is making me excited I haven't been this excited before...., it's a great feeling!.

Tates POV:
May 12 2022,
I never realised that this day would have made me the happiest I have ever been. I have been very lucky in my life..., you could say I may have had 10 different lives well I say that anyway!.

I didn't know that I was going to meet the love of my life on this day, it took a while for me to really realise that I loved YN but I knew that I liked them from the start of that makes sense.

When YN agreed to this dinner I felt a whole load of butterflies fly through my stomach, I haven't felt this way in a long time, you know since Cole....

Cole and I dated for a year and I thought we were happy but obviously not I found out he was cheating on me with some model from Australia.

It sucks being cheated on it really does!!!.

I can't wait to see YN just cause I have had a crush on them for the longest time you could say I have a hockey player crush and I am proud of it.


Tate Posts:

Tate Posts:

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(Side note posting two posts one a guy one a girl for my readers)

I decided to post something to let her see me out of hockey gear..

I decided to post something to let her see me out of hockey gear

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I was about to head out of the door when i got a notification from Instagram telling me that YN posted a photo so I opened it and wow that feeling in my stomach has returned. I liked the photo and left my house.

-time skip-

I arrived at the restaurant slightly late the traffic was awful I walked into the restaurant looking for Liv, Findlay and YN, I saw liv and findlay but no sign of YN.

" you know you can just go over the the table." A voice said behind me so I turned around.

"Oh YN hi, yeah I know."

"I'm sorry i was late.... But since we both are at the same position I'm not that sorry."

I laughed "let's go to the table."


We both walked over to the table and greeted one  another by we I mean I did to the others.

"Hi, I'm YN." I said shaking Olivia's hand
"I'm Olivia but people call me Liv." She said shaking my hand and looking at me.

I looked over at the man and said hi, he said hi back.

"So I head about your accident on the ice, how are you feeling now?." Liv said just as we sat down.

" I am okay now still sore but it's nothing."

"It wasn't just nothing YN you were unconscious for three days."

"Fair and thank you for visiting me Tate that was unnecessary but thank you"

"You are my favourite hockey player so I had to make sure you were okay and my ex was the one that hurt you so I had to be there."

I looked at Tate for a few seconds and smiled then looked at my menu.

"Will we order some cocktails or a bottle of wine?." Findlay said looking around the table.

"Let's do a bottle of wine." Everyone said.

"Great, red or white?."

"White." Everyone said.
"Perfect." Findlay grabs a waiter and orders a Chablis premier cru. " thank you."

The waiter smiled.

"So YN are you single or?..." Liv said looking at me.

"Yeah I am single, I actually just got out of a relationship last month."

"Oh I am so sorry."

"Don't be it was a mutual break up she's happy and I am trying to find the one for me." I said drinking my water and quietly looked at Tate.

She mouthed "I'm sorry." I looked at her and said "it's okay."

Waiter: "are we ready to order?."

"Yeah we are."

We all ordered our food and talked a lot more.

I looked at Tate and started to talk to her.

"So have you ever ice-skated before?."

"Yes but I am not very good at it."

"It's not that hard, I just need balance and once you have that it's pretty much easy."

"It's not the balance thing I am worried about it's the speed that worries me."

"Well why won't I help you?."


"Yes of course, I can't tomorrow but the day after that we can go ice skating if you'd like."

"That would be so nice thank you."

"Well then that's a date then."

Tate looks at me blushing but I pretended that I didn't see it.

Once the dinner was over I drove Tate back to her apartment.

"Tonight was fun thank you for having me." I said before I got out of my car to help her out and to bring her to her apartment.

"You don't need to thank me you are now part of my friend group Coleman."

I smiled, we walked up a few flights of stairs until we reached her apartment.

"We're here, so this is it for now I guess." Tate said looking at me before entering her apartment

"I guess so." I said a little bit Sad.

We both made eye contact for a while, but then all of a sudden the gap between us closed dramatically and we kissed it was epic, her lips were so soft she was a soft kisser but yet had a little bite too.

We both pulled away and looked at each other.

" I better go I'll do you around McRae." I said while leaving smiling.

"Goodbye." She said watching me leave and then closes the door behind her.

I said to myself,

"What a night....."

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