Chapter Nine

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The moment I commanded him, he began to retract slowly. I mounted Jason from behind. He spun in circles, trying to get me off of him, but it was no use. I was so angry that when his claws dug into my skin, causing my skin to tare, I didn't feel the pain.

With my wings, I sliced off Jason's arms, plunged a knife on his shoulder so I wouldn't lose balance, and slowly beheaded him, as Thomas watched. Everyone just stopped on their tracks and watched as I levitated in the air with Jason's head in my hands while his lifeless body fell to the ground. He wanted death. Wish granted.

Jason and his wolves killed children, mothers, fathers from the Zale clan, and from the other packs during MY BIRTHDAY PARTY. In front of my daughter. I sure as hell made sure they all knew not to fuck with me when I was angry. Thomas stared at me in fear, knowing if I wanted to, their pack would be no more.

Sam, now with Jake, took the pole out of his body before it could get worse. I hurried towards them; Sam gave me this look, as if he understood what I was about to do. I took the pole from his hands and impaled Jason's head for everyone to see. No other packs did this, the Crescent Moon pack was the only pack that did this to their victims no matter who they were; it was shameful and cruel, so now they got a taste of their own medicine. Their mighty Alpha was on a stick, slayed by my hands.

Thomas slowly backed away and made a run for it; he was a coward just like his father. The other wolves bolted too as soon as they saw him run away.


Her soft snores were so gentle, so innocent and cute. My heart ached every time I heard her faint cries. Maze was the strongest and toughest person I knew, the fact that she was hurting this way... and there was nothing I could do or say to help her in her time of need, so I did what I did best; I went on a hunting spree. I couldn't man up to talk to her after what we did... I was too afraid to lose her.

I was on cloud nine when Maze reciprocated what I was feeling. I wanted her in every way. When suddenly the sweetest scent hit me. It made Mason and I go crazy. The sensation of Maze's body was of no help. I followed the scent and came eye to eye with a beautiful girl. She had light brown hair with a hint of green on the tips. Her eyes were light brown, her lips were a soft pink, her complexion was a vibrant blueish pale like color. I could see her scales shine in the dimness of the room. "Mate..." Mason spoke internally. For a split second I felt guilty for the way she had found me. If only I weren't madly in love with Maze. I panicked and pushed Maze off of me. Just before I could completely remove her, her pussy clenched in the right kind of way and it made my dick go mad with excitement. I ended up cumming all over her face... I think it reached up to her hair.

I was sooo embarrassed, I had done that to Maze... I mean it was my first time ever... Oh my goodness, how am I going to face her now. Maze was the owner of my heart. When I found out that I was NOT her mate... I could not breathe. I had prayed to the moon goddess ever since I was a mere boy, I'd hoped I would be hers and hers only and she mine. Maze is strong, cunning, beautiful, and smart; it was almost frightening. She herself was the epitome of beauty itself, her glowing sapphire eyes were terrifying yet intriguing. I knew better than anyone that she was not someone that was weak, which is why I hated how she would demean herself to that piece of shit pack. I knew it was all for sake of putting up a front; if she wanted to, she would make them all her bitch. She is so strong not even her father could take her down and he was the best warrior in the pack.

Her father took me in, although I was the son of an enemy, yet he did not care. He molded me into the warrior I am today, my gratitude belongs to him. He brought my beloved Maze into this world, although it was a cruel one at that, she made it all the better. On the day of her birthday, she was turning twelve years old, all she wanted was to have a small intimate celebration with her family and myself at her favorite place... at that time I felt at fault that I was keeping her from having a big party with all the friends she would tell me about after coming home from school. Because of me she stopped going out, she stopped bringing her friends over. She gave up a lot of things, which it low key made me happy she would choose me every time or at least that is how it felt. At her party we had food, drinks, and her favorite cake, butter cake. We were enjoying our little slice of heaven.

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