Chapter Five

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I flew all the way back to my house, almost crash landing on my sliding glass doors. Fuck! I need to get out of here. I looked around my tiny home, every good memory with my Minmin was flashing through my mind.

"Maze!" Nathan mind linked me. "Where are you? I can't find you anywhere."

"Nathan. Get Cassie to safety with her clan. I will meet you there. Now." I respond through mind link.

"Understood, Master." Nathan answered.

I ran to my room, knocking over everything with my wings. I was in such hurry to get out of there I couldn't think straight. I don't usually make mistakes like this... However, this was a rare case. This involved my mate, the one I was supposed to fall in love with. I know he was not really with me to begin with but that is just how this stupid fated mated shit works. It makes the best of us become mind numbingly dumb. Panic was not in my vocabulary yet that was ALL I could feel ever since that time when I first saw Thomas in his wolf form... I began to question myself, I was a trained warrior, assassin like even. I needed to get it fucking together. I slowed my breathing and focused, with an instant my wings retracted. I gathered photos of my parents, of Minah and a couple of nick knacks in a duffel bag and grabbed Nathan's and I emergency duffle bag. I ran to Minah's room and gathered most of her stuff in a bag.

Before I left my home, I made sure I didn't leave any evidence behind. I burned my beloved parents' home without a second thought and made my way to Cassie's clan.


I paced back and forth thinking of how I would explain this to my father. Jannette was dead and Maze grew wings... no that's impossible! I'm losing my mind.

"No, you are not." Dylan, my wolf, said.

"How could you allow that to happen?! She was OUR mate and thanks to your horny shit self we lost her!" He yelled. "Thomas, you are a stupid mother fucker."

"Shut up. I didn't let her finish, so it doesn't count and I haven't accepted her rejection, so technically she is still ours." I told him.

"That's not how it works, dumbass!" I could feel Dylan's anger muster up inside me. "You know for a fact that the minute she decides to break the bond it's over. Thanks to you, she couldn't at least rid us from the bond and let me tell you; it is going to fade slowly and it's going to hurt like a bitch!"

"She looked so beautiful..." I say to Dylan.

"Ugh, we need to keep this from your father. We need to protect her. You need to focus, jack ass. If I could take you apart, I would." He growled.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

A scream broke the conversation between Dylan and me. I ran to the balcony; my mother's servant was on the ground sobbing. As for my mother, she watched Jannette's lifeless body as she poked it with her foot.

"How in the hell could this have happened?" My mother blatantly spoke. "The whore was our only way to ensure we became richer."

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