Chapter Seven

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"Maze, honey, you have to get out of this bed sometime or another." Jake walked into the room. "Cassie is extremely worried about you, and it is making Steven freak out."

"I don't want to; I just want to lie here and wither away. Am I not allowed to do that?!" I cried.

"Sweetie, I'm not asking. Get up, before I get angry. Your birthday has passed, and we have not celebrated. We skipped the dinner we planned for you on Wednesday, but we are still throwing you a birthday party tomorrow. Apart from that Minah has been asking for you." Jake pulled off the covers and forcefully flipped the mattress which caused me to fall off the bed.

"What the fuck! Dude!" I yelled angrily.

"I know you are in pain so I will look the other way, but this is the last time you use foul language with me, love. You have a responsibility to Minah. You are her mother after all. " Jake sternly answered and then sweetly smiled.

"...sorry..." I looked at the floor. "I'm going to shower." I told Jake.

"You should. You stink." He laughed. He began to gather the blankets and lightly clean the room.

I took a really, really long shower... I won' lie, I also cried. After finishing, I threw on a tank top and shorts. I combed my wet hair and allowed it to air dry; I was not in the mood for makeup. I walked out into the kitchen and just watched as Jake was now in the kitchen cooking some breakfast.

"You need to eat; it has been several days since you have eaten a thing... which is weird our bodies cannot go that long without any sustenance..." He stated, getting lost in thought.

"How are you not dead?" Jake questioned. "You know what, don't answer that."

"MOMMY!!" Minah jumped on me and hugged me tightly.

"Oh my baby!" I cried once more. How could I have left my pup all alone, I'm a terrible mother.

"Mommy, I missed you..." Minah pouted.

"I'm sorry my love, I just wasn't feeling good, but I'm here now." I assured her. We sat in silence while Minah was now sitting on the counter. She was caressing my face and my hair. Minah broke the silence. "Mommy why are you so pretty?"

This made me blush. "You think so? Thank you, lovey." I answered her. Jake finished cooking and plated my food. I lightly smiled when he handed me the plate, he had made me two eggs and bacon, which were in the shape of a smiley face; he also made me heart-shaped pancakes with what looked like homemade blueberry jam. I really was not hungry, but I didn't want him to think I disliked his food, so I began to eat.

"I'm hungry too!" Minah cried.

" I didn't forget about you little one. Here is your plate" Jake said.

"Yay!" Minah said excitedly.

"MAZE!" Cassie crashed into me while she wrapped her arms around me. "I missed you!" Steven pulled her off of me.

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