Chapter Three

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I motion Nathan to stand, as he does, I pull him in for a hug and allow myself to relax. He lifts me from the floor and squeezes me. I hear a loud sniff as he buries his face in my hair. We stayed like this for a moment, I felt relived he was home; safe. Nathan became very important to me; we met days after my parents had sent me into the woods to train survival skills after I completed my father's combat lessons. I had tracked a deer near deep in the woods, I was patiently waiting; stalking my prey before I took a shot with my bow and arrow. Until I heard a loud scream which forced the deer to run away in fear.

Frustrated, I followed the screams, thinking it could be someone in need of help. Although I was concerned, I didn't want anyone to take notice I was near. I got closer to the screaming, climbed a very tall tree with ease and watched from above as what seemed like a male rouge, dismembering a man and a woman with his snout. He tore them to shreds slowly... piece by piece as they were tied to a tree. I gasped in horror, not believing what I was seeing.

"Papa! MAMA! Noooo!" I heard a kid cry out. "Don't hurt them!"

I was told not to interfere with anyone or anything; to only attack if I was in immediate danger, but as I watched all of this happen, I couldn't resist not helping them. I jumped from where I was hidden in the tree and swiftly stuck to the landing without a sound.

I sprinted towards the wolf and with my hunting knife made slits all over his tendons. The rouge instantly fell to the ground. I ran towards the boy and cut him loose. He didn't even look twice at me and ran towards his parents: trying to undo their restraints. Once they were loose, he hugged them and loudly sobbed.

"Please take care of my baby boy" his mother said, as her life slowly faded. I couldn't hold myself from crying as well: I may have been trained to be a warrior, a killer, but I was still a girl with emotions.

"Son, I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you and your mother," his father coughed. "I failed the both of you."

"No papa, don't say that." The boy cried.

"Your mother and I won't be here to guide you through life anymore, so please live a happy and meaningful life. Be kind and love with all of your heart." His father said. He motioned me to come closer and so I did.

"The Crescent Shadows did this; we are from a different pack. The Crescent Shadows doesn't know we have a son." He spoke. "I've seen what you have done to that wolf..." He coughed again but with blood spilling from his mouth. "Please keep him safe." I nodded in response.

"We love you son..." and with that he took his last breath.

The boy began to cry uncontrollably while he held both his lifeless parents in his arms. I wanted to hug him and console him, but I couldn't move as the adrenaline began to drain from my body. I began to hear a wheezing sound. I turned and see that the wolf had turned back into its human form. He laid there on the ground motionless.

I collected myself and reverted to my killing mode; I walked towards him with my knife in hand ready to end it. I just needed to know why my pack wanted them dead. I lowered myself, now inches from his face. "Who sent you?" I glared. He stayed silent. I noticed his slits were slowly healing; so, I pulled him by the hair. "If you don't tell me what I need to know, I will not kill you." He mockingly scoffed.

"No... I will not kill you. I'm going to slit your tendons again; pull your nails out, and if you still won't tell me what I need to know, I'll skin you alive and let you heal just so I can do it again. I have all the time in the world and a great imagination." Fear began to spread in his eyes.

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