Hey all! Idk if anyone is reading this but this is just a giant disclaimer. If you're ever like totally confused about why something is somewhere then it'll all be right here.This is TOTALLY NOT lore accurate. Pls do not come for me, I've only watched someone else's play through before and I've only ever fully watched true colours so yeah.
These events take place AFTER the game. Alex chose to stay in haven (Zoe and her are gonna have a bit of a bestie moment) and chose Steph. Everything that happened in the game happened, all mysteries are solved, Typhon is shut down and it's all a giant happily ever after. The town is introduced to an ex convict, convicted of stealing, who arrives shortly after Zoe. However, conveniently after his arrival, things start to go missing. It's up to Alex, Steph, Zoe and Ryan to put a stop to this. And Pike of course because he's like the police but mainly those four.
This is also a Zoe and Ryan love story, so spoiler alert but yall knew already.
My spelling and grammar is straight up booty cheeks even though english is the language i know and love so pls bear with me.
At the top of each section will be the date that i wrote it. not the date that the stuff happened on. it'll be over a span of days so it wouldn't make sense otherwise. it's just for my personal sense of accomplishment 😌 (i suck at english in school)
speaking of school, i'm still IN school and i am a good Christian girl, so nothing weird is gonna happen in this story because this is not s m u t (apparently that's weird). also zoe doesn't swear, but i know the others do. ryan will not be swearing either unless its for comedic purposes or super necessary. even though he does sometimes in the game.
hi! i'm sam and i'm the author. i loved watching the playthrough of lis from my fave youtuber jay from the kubz scouts (aka that dude) but then i realised ryan was just ignored but he deserved SO MUCH MORE the poor boy (he chose steph) so i watched some of the cutscenes of alex and ryan and realised that ryan is such an underrated character, hence why im giving him justice here. one thing tho - i will admit that steph was a better distraction, ONLY BECAUSE ryan was awkward asking diane out in front of alex because he liked alex. also this story happens after the events of the game, meaning after choosing the FULL STEPH PATH and absolutely no romantic events between ryan and alex. that includes the larp (alex and ethan just fought him every time) and the distraction (chose steph) and yeah everything else. i just felt so bad for him because he is ghe only one out of the main 3 that can get a bad endinh, after all everything happening was about HIS dad. my boy needs justice. he's also just so so sweet, like he's always looking put for alex and he knew what to do right when they met like when steph was angry and ryan saw alex getting affected he sorted it out right away, he is so empathetic and caring but in the non super power way. no hate to steph or anything, in fact i think that steph and alex might have had better chemistry because it's like opposites attract and alex was kind of more introverted and thoughtful whereas steph was more extroverted and daring, but at the same time ryan was a good fit for alex because he could see when she was getting affected and tried his best to look out for her in that sense. zoe is a therapist, so in some way she's quite similar to alex that she uses body language and expression and tone to sense peoples emotions, and after everything that happened ryan will obviously be quite upset, so i think that creates a good dynamic between the two of like a helper and helpee situation where they can help each other through their struggles, but idk maybe im just talking out of my ahh
when there are more than two people speaking, to help distinguish between the characters, there will be letters like these:
Z: "Zoe"
R: "Ryan"
S: "Steph"
A: "Alex"
however not for two people scenes.

An Outdoorsman's Guide To The Calls Of Common Thieves
RomanceSomeone new has arrived at Haven Springs - Zoe Coralen, an empathetic and helpful therapist, who has spent years studying people's actions and minds, including herself. As the attention of her and her new friends is stolen by a new mystery, she find...