Chapter 6: Mother of Lies

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Gemma Rochefort was the last person Damian wanted to see. He wouldn't bother wasting time with her if it weren't for his family's mess.

"What's my gorgeous man been up to?" Her shrill voice sliced through the calm as she approached him at Picasso's Café downtown.

She sat across from him at a cozy table by the window, ordering two coffees when the waiter approached. "Picture perfect" was one way to describe her—with her red lipstick flawlessly applied, her cold beauty became more striking. To Damian, she was nothing more than a leech. He met plenty of hungry women like Gemma, wanting sex and a lifestyle he could offer with his wealth. Like them, she was a dime a dozen.

"I am not your man," Damian growled. He glanced away, avoiding direct contact with Gemma's prying eyes.

"Your mother would disagree," she affirmed, half-smiling.

"I'm not my mother," Damian replied tersely, his teeth gritted.

Gemma leaned forward. "She owns you, Damian. She's the reason your half-sister is still breathing after last month's ordeal."

Anger hit him hard. "She's not our savior. She's why my sister is in danger. My mother wants her out of the bigger picture."

"Her friends at the correctional center tipped her that the Luccianos were behind the attempted murder. That's why I called you, to tell you on Saira's behalf since you refuse to see her."

Damian shook his head, remembering the hit-and-run incident that left his seven-year-old sister in the hospital. She was lucky to be alive. "The Luccianos? No. Angelo and my uncle are good, and business is going well at The Church. He and Dad are friends, so there's no bad blood."

"I'm telling you what Saira told my dad. As her lawyer, he's crafting a deal with some of her 'friends' to ensure Hope stays safely within the picture."

Damian scoffed at Gemma's feigned concern. "Safely? Here's a tip for you. Brush up on your acting skills. How's that acting class going?"

"You're a disgusting pig."

"From being your 'gorgeous guy' to a pig in just a few minutes—that's quite the descent."

The waiter set down their coffees, and Gemma breathed in the intense aroma before tasting her drink. Damian took a tentative sip and then pushed his cup aside. It wasn't that the richly brewed flavor was unappealing. He didn't have the stomach for distasteful company.

"Are we done?" His lips tightened, and his tense cheek muscles ticked.

"Why are you such a jerk?" Gemma pouted.

"Because I see right through you. You and your dad are circling the Quinn wealth. Not just a tiny slice—you want a major chunk. He's whispering poison in my mother's ear, and you're his accomplice. It's all about the money, isn't it? Cozying up to my mother, winning her cases."

"Oh, it's more than just the money." Chloe ran the tip of her pink tongue across her teeth. "I want you."

"And I don't want you."

"You think you don't, but one day you will. Whoever you're sleeping with or dating is just a silly phase you're going through. You'll grow out of it."

Nothing good ever came out of Gemma's mouth. Ignoring her taunting words, he continued, "Do you ever wonder if you're on the wrong side? Of course not. My father, uncle, and stepmother can't be swayed, so you and your father target the most vulnerable—the one behind bars."

"My father wants your mother out of jail."

"And I don't. She deserves her cell."

"She loves you, but you treat her like trash. You're just like your father. He—"

Damian's Seduction (The Steamy Billionaire Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now