11. Day 1

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"Get in, m'lady. I'll give you a lift," Shanks said as he pulled his car into the driveway.

"What? Suddenly become a gentleman?" you asked as you got inside the car.

"I wouldn't let my girlfriend walk to college," he said with a wink.

"Ew. Just ew. Who are you, and what have you done with my Shanks?" you said, chuckling as you entered the car.

Shanks laughed heartily as he started the car.

Truth be told, I never thought his laugh was attractive.

"Staring much?" he spoke with a smirk. You quickly returned to your senses and mumbled something inaudible.




"I didn't know that you and akagami started dating," said Mihawk as he typed something on his laptop.

"Oh no, you found out too? Is there anyone left who doesn't know?" you replied.

"Soon everyone in town will know. Yassop is spreading the news like wildfire," he said calmly. 

You facepalmed and let out a deep sigh. "I swear I'm going to kill Yassop one day."

Mihawk hummed in response. You straightened up and fixed your gaze on his laptop. "What are you typing so eagerly?"

"Correction. I'm not writing, I'm typing," he corrected you. You scoffed, "Okay, typing."

"I'm just working on a report for my friend," said Mihawk.

"A friend? You have a friend other than me and Shanks?" you asked, surprised.

"Yes. Her name is Perona," he replied.

"Oooo. What's the report about?" you asked.

"It's about your love story with Shanks. She's a writer," he said with a smirk. You peeked at the report and saw that he wasn't lying.









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